Digital Marketing

How to leverage FOMO in your Marketing?

fomo-netilly blog

Have you ever bought something impulsively and realized later that you didn’t really need it? Or do you regularly check your phone to see what’s going on?

Humans are social animals and a part of our psychology is our inherited nature of being curious about everything happening around us. FOMO leverages this perspective on human nature.

What is FOMO?

FOMO is an acronym that stands for the Fear Of Missing Out. It could be missing out from any investment opportunity, news, trend, social media update, etc.

Marketers are fully aware of this fact and leverage this in their marketing campaigns. In simple words, FOMO makes one anxious and gives a constant urge to stay updated. We experience this in our daily life –  FOMO urges us to check our phones, news, and updates regularly. It is an aspect of human behaviour which the marketers use to the hilt.

You may have been impacted by this Fear of Missing out without being aware! Specifically, in situations such as:

  1. If you see any product online and if it has a tag that says that ‘hurry only a few left’, it creates a feeling of missing out on the opportunity in a person’s mind, and he or she is more likely to purchase that product.
  2. When you see Ads repeatedly online or on televisions which say that a product or service is very popular and is being used by so many people.
  3. When you buy any product or service just because the offer had a limited timeline or the statement that many people had already bought it.

We may think that the buying decisions we make are solely ours and not influenced by external factors, but the reality is quite different, and that is what tricks the customers. FOMO in marketing is used to change a customer’s mind to urge them to purchase a specific product or service. It uses simple human psychology to influence the decision making of customers.

How is FOMO leveraged in marketing?


fomo| netilly blog

1. By creating urgency

You must have observed that many e-commerce sites or even offline stores, showcase products with a message that says ‘hurry only a few days’ or ‘only a few products left’. This creates a sense of urgency among people, and they are more likely to buy it and also make the buying decision quicker. By creating a need, people fear missing out on a good deal and end up making a purchase of your product/service or take an action that you would like them to take.

However, when you leverage any of the FOMO techniques in your marketing, make sure that you stick to your advertised timelines. Else, it may damage your brand image if you keep extending your offer deadline.

The offer states that the phone sale ends in a certain timeframe which creates urgency among people and compels them to make a quick action based on the perception that they may lose the deal.

2. Creating social pressure

Marketers create social pressure among people to make them take an action they want. When we see several people doing a particular thing and making a profit from it, we are more likely to do it.

neil patel- netilly blog

For e.g.,- Here Neil Patel, one of the top digital marketing influencers, has displayed that he has over 300 million visitors per month to his own website, which conveys a message that people trust him which further creates a social pressure on people to follow him or check his website so that they don’t miss out what other people are viewing or learning.

3. Showcasing increased demand

When we see people doing a certain thing, it creates curiosity among us for that particular thing, and we are more likely to view it. FOMO is used here to use this customer curiosity to drive more sales and engagement.

You may have seen websites or e-commerce sites showing increased viewership or sale of a particular service or product. Thus, by showing high demand, they gain the interest of the user and boost their marketing.

flipkart- netilly blog

For e.g., – Websites or e-commerce sites use lines such as “out of stock” or “sold out” to convey the demand for something. By creating a need, the user is trapped into thinking that this respective product or service is high in demand so it must be really good so the next time the user willingly buys the product or service even at a higher price.

4. Showing social proof

We are likely to buy a product or service or even engage with something if we come across evidence of trust shown by people by virtue of their reviews. Such reviews also establish the authority of a particular brand and marketers use this to boost their sales. The more trust a brand garners from people, the more customers they are likely to attract.

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For e.g., -Websites often publish testimonials and client feedback. This generates trust among people and gives them social proof towards a product or service. The more social proof something has, it holds stronger trust and engagement among people. This fact is leveraged by almost all organizations big or small and helps them in earning more customers.

5. Exclusive giveaway prizes

This Technique uses FOMO by tempting people not to miss out on exclusive giveaways and discounts. You may have seen several brands doling out giveaways and prizes to people for accomplishing a particular task.

But how does it benefit them?

Giveaway prizes and discounts generate likeability towards a brand and people are more likely to come back later for future purchases.

Everybody likes a brand which takes care of them and by rolling out giveaways, and discounts, brands earn bounty points as people link this with trust and hope of more such offers.

giveaway prizes-netilly blog

For e.g., – Many Apps provide you with money or rewards on making a purchase or referring it to somebody which creates profit for both. You must have seen apps such as PhonePe and Google Pay provide you with scratch card rewards on a purchase of above rupees 150, so the user is more likely to use this application for payments because of the rewards they will gain in return.


FOMO is leveraged in marketing by using simple techniques through which you can push your audience to make instinctive buying decisions. You can also leverage FOMO to boost your sales or services among your audience by promoting limited-time offers, exclusive discounts, and convincing them enough that they will miss out on something.

Above listed are some of the ways how marketers use FOMO but it has even broader applications.

To get more information like this and to stay updated on the marketing trends and techniques, stay tuned to our blog section.


How to leverage FOMO in your Marketing? Read More »

Top 15 Hacks to Increase Followers and Engagement on Instagram

Top 10 hacks for increasing instagram followers.


Did you know Instagram made its debut in 2010? Yes, you read that right. In a short span of time, Instagram has become one of the most powerful and influential social media platforms.

Currently, it is the second most engaged network after Facebook and has more than 60% of its users logging in every day.

Specifically, businesses such as travel, fashion, or food, segments where the target audience tends to  love visuals, have a tremendous opportunity to engage with their audience on Instagram, where 80 million photos get uploaded every single day.

Everyone wants to increase followers on their Instagram account, but it is a not task which can be accomplished in a day or two. It is a cycle of practices you have to implement to make your brand stand out on the platform. Eventually, engagement is the ultimate goal of any Instagram post. If your audience is not engaging on your Instagram posts, then all your efforts are of no use.

top 15 hacks to increase followers and engagement

So let us discover some useful hacks which can help increase your followers and boost engagement of your Instagram Page:

1. Cross-promote Instagram posts on other channels

Social platforms are all about cross-promotion. If people like a page on one platform, they are also likely to like it on other platforms. You can promote your Instagram account on various platforms to increase your followers. Many Social Bookmarking sites also let you share a link to your other social media handles.

According to a study of one billion Facebook posts, pictures posted on FB via Instagram get 23% more engagement.

So leverage other social sites to promote your Instagram page, this is a great way to increase Instagram followers naturally and organically.

2.Post at the right time

You may be putting in a lot of effort in generating unique content for Instagram, but what is the use if it does not reach your audience.

Just posting on Instagram is not enough. You need to check which time will give you the best output. And to do that you can check Instagram Insights.

Instagram Insights gives you a full picture which will help you to create your marketing plan. You can figure out on which days and at what time is your audience most active, and you should keep that in mind while posting.

If you post keeping in mind your audience online timing, you will automatically see a boost in your engagement. Further, your post will have a better chance to appear in more feeds when your audience engages early with your content.


If we talk about Netilly, our followers are most likely to be on Instagram between 6 pm-9 pm, so we try to post around that time. Every small bit counts!

3. Use all the features

Instagram is known for releasing new features every now and then. Be it posting videos, boomerangs, stories, polls, questions, Igtv, ads, etc.

Instagram is all about interaction with your users, and Instagram has given you a bag full of different ways to do so. Widen the horizon of your Instagram marketing by using all the features Instagram provides to the fullest.

You can increase followers of your Instagram account by using all the features Instagram provides you.

As an example, you could reach new customers by building an Instagram ad, and by making your posts unique and creative, you can make them follow you. 

4.Create shareable and engaging content

Social Platforms are for people. While it is an excellent platform for marketing, but people don’t join these platforms to get promotional content.

People like to see compelling content on social media and will only follow the pages which gives something new and valuable to them.

If you want to increase followers on your Instagram account, you need to be one of the two following things:

  1. A big name in the market like Coca-Cola, Levis, etc. as people are curious to connect to big brands like these.
  2. A unique content creator.

People like to see content that motivates them, educates them through facts, or did you know or makes them laugh. Create content keeping yourself in the viewer’s shoes. Until a user cannot establish a relationship with your content, he or she would not like to follow your page and engage with it.

But if you hit the right chords, your page followers will increase and can even get shared among the follower’s networks.

People are always hungry for unique and exciting content. If you give them that, then you can also smartly sneak in your sales post in your Instagram profile.

Let’s say you are a dog walker, you can make an Instagram page where you can share various tips for dog care, habits, etc. and sometimes promote your services. The key is to promote your services naturally and not stuff your audience with that.

People will only follow a page if they are getting something out of there.

For example, Femina Magazine puts out a lot funny, motivational, and relatable posts on their official profile. People like to share these type of posts in messages, feed, or even as stories which helps increase your followers.

5. Use video content

Video marketing is a great medium to convey a message without using too many words. Videos are a great way to leave an impact on your audience and also quickly give them content.

Videos give more engagement than image posts on Instagram, especially when the videos are long. For videos more than 60 seconds, you can leverage the IGTV feature. While uploading videos on IGTV do select the option to ‘post a review’. This helps in promoting the video through feeds.

Instagram is popular with video sharing, and you can use this fact in your Instagram marketing. The more people view and share your video content; the more will be the engagement and followers for you.

6. Leverage the power of Insights


Insights works like magic and gives you the information you need to post the right way.

You can view your audience and seek details about what percentage of your audience is male or female, the country or city to which they belong, and at what time they are most active.

You can also view insights for each post individually and understand what attracted your audience to a specific post and how much engagement did you get. Studying Insights wisely and making changes according to it will help you gain the followers you are looking for.

7. Use hashtags wisely

Instagram lets you use up to 30 hashtags in a single post. Hashtags are important keywords which you associate with your posts. Using correct hashtags will help people find you.

You can see how to select the most relevant and popular hashtags for your post with various hashtag finder tools.

It is not advisable to use hashtags that have huge competition and are associated with lot of public posts.

8. Be consistent and create a brand for yourself

If you have visited Neil Patel’s Instagram page, you will find that all his posts use his brand colours which are orange and white. When you are repeatedly exposed to that, your mind memorizes it and associates those colours with that brand no matter where you see it.

Similarly, many big brands use this concept to create a permanent memory in the public’s mind.

You can also use this to boost your posts on Instagram. Create posts with same font styles and keep the colour shades constant, so that people start remembering them and that will eventually increase your brand value.

See how all the posts of Neil Patel on Instagram are in the white and orange theme; this helps in establishing brand consistency.

9. Instagram bio is also useful

Your bio is what tells the user about your page and what you represent. Many people follow a page by looking at the bio of your Instagram page. Bio is a short description which you give on Instagram, which defines your page.

You are only allowed to use 150 characters in your Instagram bio, so you need to choose wisely.

Use your bio to create a unique and exciting description of your page which pushes the user to follow you. Use the right keywords and make your Instagram Bio useful.

10. Use polls or host a photo contest to engage your followers

Polls and contests lead to higher engagement as they have a direct call-to-action for your followers. Throwing a poll is easier as you don’t need to announce any winner for same. Further, followers who have participated in a poll or contest pay more attention to your account to see the result.

You can search for previous contests by using popular hashtags such as #photocontest and #contest and work out details for your contest. Promote it big time and ensure once the contest ends, you do announce the winners across your social networks.

11. Make posts that are saveable

Have you seen the save option on Instagram?

This feature allows you to save Instagram posts that you can view later at any time. People like to see posts that they can save and share with people.

12. Ask questions in captions

Social media is all about engaging with the audience and making them a part of your conversation. Having questions in your posts you share or in captions can help you get more engagement as it works as a call to action for your audience.

13. Do Instagram Contests

Contests are a fun way to interact with your audience and grow engagement. You can host contests for giveaways such as quizzes, puzzles etc. People like to participate in contests and it works for both the brand and audience equally. The brand gets more engagement and likes and the audience gets something in return!

Instagram followers | netilly blog

14. Comment on big accounts regularly

Well, this may not be directly linked to your page but it is very helpful. Comment on 10-30 big accounts daily. This way you can get noticed by others and they may find your page interesting. Doing this consistently will surely help you gain more followers

15. Reply to all comments

People always like brands which are active and connect with their audience. To make your audience engage with your posts more, always reply to them. This shows that you are active and your audience is important to you.

So, always reply to your audience to gain trust and good image in their eyes.

To Wrap Up

These are the effective ways to grow your Instagram account, enhance engagement, and increase your brand’s awareness. Please do share with us your experience after implementing these hacks.

If you’d like to discuss how these hacks can help your business or brand, then please drop us an email or leave your contact details and we will be happy to schedule a free consultation with one of our SMM Specialists.

Top 15 Hacks to Increase Followers and Engagement on Instagram Read More »

Best Off-Page SEO Techniques 2021 to Drive Organic Traffic

Off Page SEO


Visitor traffic to websites is like water to fish, and undoubtedly, working on off-page SEO is a great way to bring traffic to your site.

According to the available statistics, Google processes more than 40,000 search queries every single second on an average. Hence, to ensure that your website ranks at the top or at least in the first few search results is crucial for determining the amount of traffic it gets.

That’s where the role of Off-Page SEO techniques comes into the picture. Before we delve into the latest Off Page SEO techniques that will help you to drive organic traffic in 2021, let’s first briefly understand Off-page SEO. 

What is Off-page SEO?

Off-page SEO is a set of optimization activities that need to be conducted outside of any website. For instance, if links with good domain authority and comments point towards your page, search engines would probably assume that your page has some great content that is of real value to users. This makes the website rank higher on search engines.

However, remember that you are competing against several other websites and only implementing the best Off-Page SEO techniques can help your website rank ahead of others. 

The tricky part here is that as Google changes its algorithms, certain SEO strategies or approaches become more effective in bringing maximum traffic than others. So, you need to stay on your toes and be aware of the most effective SEO strategy.

Off Page SEO Techniques


Moving forward, here is a complete list of the top Off-Page SEO techniques that are recommended by the experts. 


Backlinking is the most effective strategy for off-page SEO. To start with, decide on the backlinking goals you seek to achieve. Conduct thorough research about domain authority and jot down the page links that have good domain authority.

Another important question that pops up is whether you should prefer quality or quantity when choosing websites that backlinks to your own? 

Well, as per the experts, neither of the two is better.  Both the quality and quantity of backlinks play a vital role and a lot depends upon the type of online business one has. If you believe in getting backlinks only after cherry-picking those websites that have high domain authority, rather than generating too many backlinks from spam websites, you are likely to get high-quality but a smaller number of visitors. On the other hand, getting backlinks from any and every site to your own will get you a massive amount of low-commitment traffic. So, choose wisely!

Do you know what’s the best approach for the link building strategy? This depends on multiple factors such as the type of website you have, what digital strategy you are using, and also your overall view on the SEO.

Many backlink tools help digital marketing experts to generate positive results for their search engine rankings. However, LinkHunter is one of the best of them. It facilitates activities in link prospecting, qualification, and outreach.

2.Social media engagement 

For the longest period, experts have witnessed a direct correlation between social media and search engine rankings of a specific page. Although Google does not consider the share counts from social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook for deciding the ranking, social media engagement still plays an important indirect role in helping your website rank.

The real question is, how? 

Well, higher social engagement rates help increase the number of unique individuals who engage with a post or see a new post. This directly increases the CTR or Click Through Rate, which can further drive vast amounts of traffic to your website.

Now, to use this strategy for your maximum benefit, you should use the content that drives the highest organic rankings as content for paid social media campaigns. Conversely, content that brings a lot of social media engagement should likely rank better organically on topics it covers.  

3. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is undoubtedly one of the most trending online marketing approaches. The most commonly allocated influencer marketing budget is $1,000 – $10,000 per year, which is further followed by $100,000 – $500,000 per year according to Big Commerce. 

Influencers generally have a huge number of followers that look up to them and follow their advice and product or service recommendations. Thus, influencer marketing holds a high potential of driving traffic to your website, helping it rank higher on search engines.

One can decide to pay an influencer in cash or offer them free products or services in return for the promotion or influencing that they do.

You can also ask them for some backlinks from their website or blog onto your own. 

4.Answer Questions on Relevant Platforms

Answering questions is one of the smartest ways to bring in more traffic to your website and help it rank higher on Google. For this, actively participate in the question-and-answer community and sites like Reddit, Yahoo, Quora, and post informative answers for questions related to your topic. 

Quora marketing can help you generate thousands of organic leads in a month. 

Simply make use of controversy to get excellent traction, drive higher traffic and build a community that gradually helps build a massive loyal following. And bingo! Suggest them to check out your website or blog to get more traffic. Just make sure you write highly informative answers which add value for the readers. 

5.Pick the right keywords

Another factor that is imperative for your SEO strategy to work is picking the right keywords. 

You need to keep in mind that Google does not know which keywords you are trying hard to rank for. So, to help them rank, use those keywords a greater number of times than others. However, make sure you balance all the keywords on your page, keeping a check on the recommended densities. 

Find those keywords on Reddit which aren’t tapped yet. A very few people know that Reddit is a goldmine for untapped keywords, especially the long tail ones.

For this, head over to the reddit where the targeted audience is present. Further, thoroughly scan the relevant threads and look for terms that appear a lot. If you see people discussing a few selected topics frequently, there is a high probability that they might be searching for them on Google as well. This makes Reddit a perfect platform for researching keywords. 

6.Laying out internal pages

Do you know that the number of links (internal) to a web page shows its importance as compared to other pages on the same site, according to the Google’s 200 Ranking Factors by Brian Dean.

Optimizing your site’s internal pages makes a significant difference in improving the rankings. Interlink the pages through random keywords, mostly using the brand name. Build a few static pages which connect the supporting posts and category pages. This way, when a link is sent to the homepage, the browsing flows through supporting and category pages, which helps boost search performance.  

7.Guest posting

Many people believe that “Guest posting is dead.” But this is simply not the case. Guest posting done smartly can help your website rank higher in searches. The reality is that Google now cracks down on every shady guest post. This means, doing a huge number of crappy guest postings puts you at a high Google penalty risk.

The right way is to pick only those sites that publish only good content for guest posting. Also, you need to choose a site that has content that is related to your niche. For instance, if you have a website that sells apparel, don’t guest post for a food blog. 

Also, one should link together all pages that address a common or a related topic to offer a rich user experience. Another thing to note here is that Google devalues links that appear in the author’s bio space. So, instead of putting your link in the author bio of your guest post, link it to your site through the article’s body. 

8.Good-quality content

Although this is not one of the SEO strategies, however, one thing is for sure – without having a website with good-quality shareable content that is added to it regularly, almost no off-page SEO strategy would work.

No one likes to read a content piece with just fillers that provides no information or knowledge to the reader. Adding good content will help you land quality guest posting opportunities from influential blogs and websites. Good content also encourages people to share your content on their social media handles. 

To achieve this, try to write long pieces of content. Ideally, the content length should be more than 1200 words. Add images to make the content visually appealing to the reader. Lastly, back it up with relevant facts and statistics to make a point. This will make the task of asking for backlinks easier as people will be eager to link to a good content piece. 

9.Forum Posting 

Almost every webmaster uses forum posting as an Off-Page technique in SEO. Forum posting gives a handful of backlinks to your site and organically bring traffic of visitors, once Google indexes that specific forum. Getting into the details, “Signature” is present below every forum post. Add your website’s link inside that signature box using an anchor text. 

While selecting a forum, pick the ones that have a niche like yours. For instance, if you write blogs on dog product reviews, select a forum related to pet products. Doing this will help you fetch good quality backlinks to your site. Remember not to spam any forum, or the admin may seize your posting rights.

10.Social Bookmarking

Over the years, social bookmarking has been a great SEO technique to garner massive traffic to a site. Web pages that get bookmarked on sites for social bookmarking catch the eyes of search engines.

It not only helps bring traffic to a website but also gives one an opportunity for content to go viral and get in a bunch of quality backlinks. For this, one needs to create a business profile on some of the best social bookmarking websites. This helps create brand awareness for your product or service. 

Post content regularly on bookmarking sites to attract targeted traffic to your website. Since these sites are authoritative, web crawlers usually scroll through them. When you place a link to your site on such bookmarking sites, Google gets informed.

This further helps in getting your web pages indexed quickly. Lead generation, higher domain authority, good quality backlink generation are some of the other benefits of social bookmarking. 

11.Broken link building

Broken Link Building is a very effective technique in terms of Off-Page SEO. It is also known as Dead Link Building.

This is different from traditional guest blogging but the success rate is higher than it.

All you need to do is to perform these steps for broken link building.

  1. Perform an analysis of backlinks on any website and find their broken links (404 pages). 
  2. Reach them through email and let them know about this.

By doing this, you may also get a natural link from the website.

This may not work every time or the first few times, but you will get benefits from this in the long run.

You may find these below guides on Broken Link Building very useful:


12.Using Infographics

The average human attention span is around 8 seconds, and with this short span, people like access to quick information where they could just hover the content and get the glimpse.

While it is important to write blogs explaining every bit in detail, infographics have become a must.

Infographics provide information shortly and more engagingly.

People like to read Infographics as they are attractive to look at and easy to understand than going through the whole blog.

Also, Infographics can help you to generate backlinks; and at the same time, the sharing of infographics can result in the rise in your blog traffic.

Did you know infographic search volumes have increased by over 800% in just over two years?

If Infographics are not a part of your content marketing strategy yet, you are surely missing a big thing!



Now that you know a bunch of highly effective off-page SEO techniques that can help you drive massive organic traffic in 2021 what are you waiting for? Try them out for your website and experience how it works for you.

Feel free to contact us to get SEO done for your website or to request a free consultation.  


Best Off-Page SEO Techniques 2021 to Drive Organic Traffic Read More »

Essential LinkedIn B2B Marketing Strategies in 2024

linkedin b2b strategies

Do you know LinkedIn is responsible for 64% of all visits from social media platforms to business websites?

Gone are the days where LinkedIn was just another platform for professionals to connect. It has become one of the most dynamic marketing platforms, especially for b2b lead generation. According to LinkedIn stats ,93% of B2B marketers consider LinkedIn to be the most effective platform for lead generation.

LinkedIn is flooded with corporate profiles of companies,soto stand out and increase your lead generation; you need a strong and effective LinkedIn b2b marketing strategy to get a good ROI.

Does LinkedIn work for B2B lead generation?

LinkedIn is specifically designed for businesses. It is somewhat similar to Facebook but has a different concept to it. LinkedIn allows people to make connections and showcase their business profiles. Through LinkedIn, you can seek jobs, hire people, and also generate marketing leads.

Not only individuals but companies too can make their pages and showcase their services and products. 

What started as a social media platform for businesses, has now become one of the most successful marketing channels.

LinkedIn is currently responsible for 97% of social media leads to a business!

Yes, you read that right!

Be it individuals or companies, LinkedIn serves all. It offers unique marketing solutions that help to showcase businesses, services, and products. LinkedIn profiles have become one the most trusted channels, and the quality of your LinkedIn profile translates to your presence in the market.

Effective LinkedIn B2B Marketing Strategies

1. Be prepared before you dive in

Most companies create their social profiles without fully understanding their business needs and their target audience. Before starting with LinkedIn for b2b lead generation, study in-depth about what services does LinkedIn offer and how they can be leveragedas part of  your LinkedIn marketing strategy.

LinkedIn provides a feature in which you can segment your audience and filter based on different parameters. 

Identifying your target audience is the most crucialfactor which will determine your LinkedInstrategy and help generate b2b leads. 

For generating b2b leadswhich may turn to conversions, you need to press the right nerve. Understanding what problems your target audience is facing and bringing a solution to the table will help convert leads to paid customers.Many companies post generic content that may or may not help their target audience.

The key aspect of generating leads is to understand what your audience is interested in and what problem of theirs can your company solve.

Also, research about your competitors  they are doing. And then create a strategy to do things better than them, which will make you stand out from the rest.

It is important to understand that one glove does not fit everyone in the marketing world, every company needs a different business strategy, and just being a doppelganger of your competitor won’t help.

2. Structure your company page tactfully

Your company page on LinkedIn plays avital role in creating a pipeline of leads for your company website. So you can’t take chances by overlooking the essentials for your company page as below:

· Use a relevant image that showcases your brand.

· Include a compelling and clear pitch in your company description in the About Us section.

· Include your website URL, industry, and additional company information just below the About Us section. LinkedIn uses this information to make you appear in searches on the platform.

· Do share your physical location as your potential leads may be interested in knowing it.

· Include your LinkedIn page on your company website, your blog posts, and wherever possible.

3. Don’t be sale centric

The primary purpose of companies to exist on social media is to promote their businesses, but the key to be successful on social media  is not just to promote your products or services.

Are they contrasting, right?

Stuffing or overloading your page with sales-centric posts is a sure-shot way of driving traffic away. 

Try to keep the balance of 80:20, where 80% content you post is educational or consists of solutions your target audience is looking for and keep the rest 20% for your sales posts.

The key is to keep the right balance between your social posts. The more engaging posts you create, the more people are likely to stick to your page and your b2b marketing strategies are likely to bemore successful.

4. Use LinkedIn targeting options

It is easier than ever to send across personalized ads to every professional in your target audience.

LinkedIn offers a variety of matched audience features such as regular text ads, sponsored content, sponsored InMail, etc. Apart from this, you can easily manage your dynamic ads through your campaign manager.

Dynamic ads are those that change its content and profile image dynamically depending upon the target audience. Such ads are suitable for attracting new followers to your company page.

Additionally, you can also retarget the visitors already in your sales funnel by leveraging LinkedIn’s Matched Audiences Tool.

If you present each potential customer different ads which are suitable specifically to their needs, it will increase the chances of conversion.

5. Use LinkedIn groups

Linked groups are a great way to make connections and to represent yourself as a pioneer in your field.

You can start your own LinkedIn group for your company or join the most trending ones. LinkedIn Groups allow you to make connections with people or companies who share the same interest or are interested in your services. You can put this on the priority list for b2b lead generation on LinkedIn.

On LinkedIn groups, you can showcase your expertise and build creditibility and trust within the community. The social profile of your company and how much trust people put in you will eventually help you to gather profitable b2b leads.

LinkedIn groups will help improve your authority and represent your company in a different light.

6. Company description matters more than you think.

You might be thinking that profile description does not matter much when it comes to generating b2b leads through LinkedIn, but that might not be working well for you.

According to

“Your LinkedIn profile may be the first thing that a potential lead sees before they know anything about your company or role. For this reason, you must offer a clear and concise description right off the bat. Your profile headline and summary is the best place to do this. Again, be sure to use language that is directly applicable to the leads you want to attract.”

Make your profile description as short and complete as possible. Reflect what your services are and who you want to cater to. Companies/people like to read short and precise text, and with increasing usage of smartphones and the internet, people are in a hurry.

Instead of including very long descriptions, it is best to have your description easy and worth noticing. Pick each word with a purpose behind it and always keep the intent of the potential buyer in mind.

Also, keep in mind to pick the right image; Images reflect your business. It talks to your potential lead.

Invest time in selecting the best image, which is relevant and screams professionalism too.

 A crisp description, combined with a relevant and accurate image, will work wonders in attracting your potential customer.

7. LeverageLinkedIn Analytics aggressively

Regularly checking what content got more engagement from your audience is a sure-shot way of generating b2b leads. By evaluating LinkedIn Analytics of your company page,you can dive deep into identifying how many new followers you have attracted and how well your campaigns are performing.

Further, bykeeping a track on LinkedIn Insights, you can try to widen your sales funnel. Insights can give you a lot of valuable information such as your audience’s professional background, title, industry, etc.through which also you can segment your audience and run successful campaigns. 


These are some of the marketing strategies to generate b2b leads from LinkedIn and to achieve better results, you need to make all these strategies work.

Getting leads is not just one ingredient recipe; you need the right blend of all the strategies to prepare a perfect dish.

The strategies will not work overnight, but you have to make constant efforts to make your company stand out.

If you’d like to discuss how we can help your business with LinkedIn B2B strategies, please drop us an email or leave your  contact details  and we will be happy to schedule a free consultation with one of our LinkedIn marketing expert.

Essential LinkedIn B2B Marketing Strategies in 2024 Read More »

Top Digital Marketing Trends In 2021

digital marketing trends

Marketing has evolved fast since the invention of the internet. Digital Marketing is a term that covers a vast arena. Right from search engine optimization to social media advertising. Effective marketing is one which trades emotions before trading services.

Do you know how Google increased its database? Just by adding one simple feature of predicting the search query. Same goes with Flipkart. It simply made the Cash on Delivery (COD) available on the products which other e-commerce companies were not providing.

These simple features made a huge difference in delivering significant business results. A random viewer must like you and trust you before converting into a customer. And marketing teams are expected to accomplish such results within a short span of time.

Digital marketing experts are thus known to be innovating their campaigns, taking into consideration human psychology. These days, people have a lot many options to choose from. Hence, digital marketers are trying to be more personalized and are constantly customizing their strategies.

By conducting market research and gauging the intelligence of the market, few improvisations are already taking place. Such tweaking of the approach is indeed a necessity for any business to sustain in the market.

Companies which are doing well in the market, are quick to leverage technologies that are absolute game-changers.

Here are eight proven digital marketing trends that will enhance your business in 2020.

Marketing Automation

The success of any business today is largely determined by how it engages with its customers. When there is only a handful of them, you can manage easily. But certainly, you don’t wish to restrict the number of your clients to only a handful.

Marketing Automation tools reduce the manual effort and also maintain the history of all marketing campaigns in an organized way.

Few Artificial Intelligence (AI) based digital marketing automation tools make businesses rely on them for extracting relevant data. This data helps marketers understand and analyze metrics about genuine reach.

Today, digital marketing automation is a big business and it helps marketers not only to scale up the reach but also to optimize their marketing efforts using relevant tools.

AI and ML

Most of the work that is too repetitive for human brains to process is now passed on to Artificial Intelligence. Those who have not yet started leveraging AI and Machine learning (ML) in their digital marketing strategies are already facing a great business threat.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning are mostly used to gather customer behavior & preferences. Moreover, AI is taking over a lot of tasks from digital marketing experts. Today, AI-based tools are used to schedule social media posts, and also to figure out what content should be posted on which platform and when.

Other potential applications of AI in digital marketing include identifying trends, retargeting, and performing competitor research.

AI has not only turned out to be a boon for social media platforms, but it is also playing a vital role in tracking and classifying your audience’s preferences.

Moreover, AI and ML also determine the right prospects for you, depending on user search sequence and history. Thus the right audience gets exposed to you based on the content they are looking for.

Talking about AI-generated content, back in 2016, Gartner had predicted that by 2018 – 20% of the content would be created by machines.

If you are missing out on AI and ML based toolkits while marketing your brand digitally, you are definitely missing on huge business opportunities.


chatbox| netilly blog

Have you ever been to an unfamiliar mall in a new city?

How will you feel if you are all alone over there?

Well, that’s precisely how a few of your customers may feel while visiting your website.

So, chatbots will certainly make them feel like they have someone to turn to. They will guide the visitors through and will assist them if they are stuck somewhere. Chatbots are instrumental in making the visitors trust your brand and also help them save the efforts they would need to put to reach you via call or email.

Several third-party conversational AI platforms can greet your visitors and lead them further to make a purchase after answering their queries.

A chatbot can answer a visitor’s query instantly and is a low cost option compared to a customer support resource. It is estimated that 85% of consumer interactions will be handled through chatbots by 2020.

One such popular AI-based Messenger marketing tool is MobileMonkey which entrepreneurs and small businesses are leveraging to connect with customers on Facebook.

Big Data

Big Data analysis such as predictive analytics usually requires larger budgets, so it is used mainly by bigger organizations.

However, the use of market and customer insights extracted from big data by the Martech tools wheel is open to all businesses.

Almost 50% of businesses claim that big data and analytics have transformed their business practices positively in their sales and marketing functions.

Considering big data reports before implementing digital marketing techniques, will certainly provide concrete direction to any firm’s marketing efforts.

Video Marketing

Video marketing | netilly blog

Do you know what made Gary Vaynerchuk and his company this big?

Video Content.

There were other trending digital marketing techniques too. But most of Gary’s content is Video Content. Same goes for Grant Cardone, Dan Lok, and many other successful entrepreneurs.

They built their visibility on all major social media platforms and forums and grabbed the attention everywhere. Because visual content gets more engagement, all successful entrepreneurs today started their video channels at least three to five years back. They were quick to recognize and leverage the potential of video content early on.

If you are new in the market, it is advisable to start your video tutorials in the domain in which you operate. Providing immense value, at the initial stage, will help your business grow and sustain longer.

Make your video content informational and educational, and let your visitors engage with you. As a first step, your objective should be to make the audience like you for your content and the value you add.  Only then will they trust you and are more likely to convert into your customers.

Any other content besides video, or visual content, cannot hold the visitors’ attention for long. Video marketing is proven to bring 66% more qualified leads per year.


All the generic statements are overlooked. And same is the case with generic marketing.

These days, personalization has made a huge difference in lead generation.

One to one approach, personalized messages, and emails, personalized products, and services, are all trending since late 2017.  A survey by Epsilon indicates that 80% of consumers are more likely to do business with a brand offering personalized experiences.

Personalization is no new trend in marketing. But as marketing trends are evolving, so are personalization strategies. There are so many products launching with Do It Yourself (DIY) enabled feature in them. They all are an example of personalization in Digital Marketing.

Have you noticed, even in between your favorite series some ads don’t disturb you? They are simply what you are looking for. And at times, you also go and visit the ad page. This is the power of personalized advertisement. They don’t spam or irritate you. They appear like guiding you to the right product.

This strategy is used by digital marketers in Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns, and they are in agreement that web personalization plays a vital role. PPC marketers claim that 64.6% of clicks are organic when keywords using in ad campaigns are of using high intent.

Futuristic SEO

futureistic seo | netilly blog

Future of SEO lies in media search and media creation. People are always looking for something innovative. Hence, the search queries are getting modified.

The scope of Google lens has increased beyond text search. The AI-based tools such as, Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, MI assistant, and Cortana helps in predicting future search queries. People will no longer type their queries. They will search with audio or images. And thus, digital marketing trends are inclined towards ranking the site on audio search as well.

Influencer Marketing

Professionals and businesses are leveraging influencers on Instagram and tik-tok to promote their products and services.

Influencers are people who have a huge number of followers and command their trust. An endorsement of a product or service by such influencers results in their followers converting into paid customers. This strategy is working amazingly well these days.

Google Lens

google lens| netilly blog

Have you seen the new feature that Google has to offer?

It is known as Google Lens. It is a very unique search engine by Google which identifies objects through the gallery or camera app.

You can perform various things on it like:

  1. Click pictures and find similar products and information related to it.
  2. Get a summary of books and also view reviews.
  3. Add events through the calendar and many more.

Do you know ” Google Lens races to 50 million installs in just 16 months“?

Voice Search

voice search | netilly blog

Did you know these voice search statistics

Voice search is one Digital Marketing trend which you definately should not miss. Voice searches are being used widely all overall and will continue to grow.

Businesses should try to make voice search a part of their business and use them as a way to interact with their audience.

Social Media Stories

facebook stories | netilly blog

Social Media Stories have seen a rapid increase and now many social media platforms have adopted the concept of social media stories.

Snapchat was the first to come up with this concept.

Instagram and Facebook and now also Youtube has caught up with this.

They are good to use as they generally appear on the top on any social media platform and are easy to view.

Social media stories create a little excitement in the viewers and also they fade with time so people are curious to see them. They fear missing out on these stories which called FOMO.

Social media stories provide a lot of engagement and user interaction.

You can experiment with different types of social media stories such as put up polls, ask questions, put up links and locations etc.

Social media stories are the best place to be creative and know more about your audience.

SEO A/B Split Testing

A/B testing is about making 2 versions of the same content in different ways. It helps to analyse which piece works better with the audience and saves a lot of time.

Using this, you can create effective marketing campaigns and get better ROI.

Some tools which you can use for A/B Testing are:



3.Five Second Test

4.Google Analytics Experiments



Interactive Content

interactive content | netilly blog

Interactive content is where people can interact with the content like quizzes, questions, videos etc.

This creates a relationship between a brand and its audience. In 2020, you will get to see more interactive content rather than traditional infographics.

When there is a conversation between the brand and the audience, the people are more likely to remember the brand.

User-generated content (UGC)

ugc | netilly blog

Facebook is one platform which is very famous for UGC and Instagram is also on the list now.

UGC can be in any format, be it reviews, comments, tagging or any content that the user generates for your brand.

For example:

You are a clothing brand and you can ask people to tag you whenever they buy anything and in return, you can reward them or feature them.

When people see content generated by the user, it increases trust among the people and will also help to gain more followers on social media.

Final Take Away

Digital Marketing trends will keep on undergoing innovation as new technologies emerge. In digital marketing, the market loses interest and engagement if the same approach is used a long duration.

The trends and tools mentioned in the blog will certainly be of great help to any business if adopted at the earliest.

Algorithms change, people’s interests change, and so the trend has got to change before them. Being adaptive to new changes and challenges is an evergreen digital marketing trend.

If you are looking for advice and guidance on how to leverage these top digital marketing trends in your marketing strategy, our experts can help you. Do leave us a message on the contact page and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Top Digital Marketing Trends In 2021 Read More »

Quora Marketing | Next Big Thing for Lead Generation

Image used for the Blog post on Quora marketing to generate leads for any business published on the official Netilly blog

Every business needs a continuous flow of leads to sustain and grow. Generating quality leads in this competitive world is easier said than done. Other than traditional methods, there are numerous digital ways including SEO, PPC, and Social Media Marketing to generate leads for any business. But either you would need to wait for a long time for SEO to impact your business or pay heavily for the paid ad campaigns.

So, what is the best way out?

Quora is the answer as it is one such marketing platform which presents huge potential when it comes to generating leads for businesses. 

With more than 300 million monthly visitors, Quora offers a vast opportunity to network with people, which is an essential part of the lead generation process for any business.

What is Quora?

Quora is an online social platform which is different from Facebook, Twitter, or others prevailing in the market. Either you can ask a question on Quora to seek answers from an expert, or you can answer questions posted by people on the platform. From a lead generation perspective, you are usually playing the part of the expert answering a question than asking. Quora helps you reach your specific audience, and your audience can also reach out to you.

According to a study by Walker, customer experience (CX) will be the brand key differentiator by 2020. Quora might be the platform where you can enhance the customer experience by providing genuine solutions to their problems.

How is Quora becoming a great way of generating leads?

Quora results often occupy the top position on the Google search engine results page for almost all the queries on the web these days. You may consider all those Quora links as absolutely organic search results that can get you free traffic.

If you discuss a relevant product or a topic on Quora, there are high chances that it generates a considerable number of organic visitors. But this will happen provided the reader finds your answer valuable and click on your click-to-action link to know more. Whereas, other social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter  or even email has a low click-through rate.

Where the traffic lies, there will undoubtedly be new leads. It paves access to the sales pipeline and allows you to interact with your customers or prospects by answering questions directly. Marketers are always on the lookout for opportunities to interact with their prospective customers. With such options, Quora Marketing is becoming one of the best methods for lead generation.

You can generate massive leads month over month and establish yourself as a thought leader, provided you use an effective Quora strategy. By identifying the right questions in your domain and answering them appropriately; you can build a massive online active community for yourself or your brand.

Quora as a business marketing tool

The very first thing to know about Quora marketing is that answers to the users’ questions are the most essential tool in your hand. QUESTIONS – this is the most critical thing that Quora has been built upon. In the answers to these questions, lies the crux of marketing on Quora.

Here is a step by step approach, and a few tips and tricks about Quora marketing, that you should know before using Quora for marketing. 

  1. Identify ‘who’s your potential customer

When using Quora for marketing, if you can identify the most relevant questions to answer, half of the job is already done. And guess what, identifying the right questions is not that difficult.

All you need to do is type in the keywords related to your business in the Quora search bar, and go through the list of questions that appear. You will find a series of questions, where the questioner is directly or indirectly looking for a product or service related to your business. And bang on, these are your target questions which you need to answer.

Let us understand this exercise of identifying the questions on Quora through a couple of examples. 

Example 1 – Suppose you run coaching center for IIT JEE coaching in Delhi. Then your keywords should be “coaching center Delhi,” “IIT JEE Coaching in Delhi” and you will get plenty of questions to answer on Quora!

Example 2 – Suppose you are a fine dining restaurant in Pune. Then your keywords should be like “restaurants in Pune,” “places to eat in Pune” so on and so forth.

Hope this gives you an idea about how important identifying your relevant topic is, and how exactly you can find them.

  1. Provide real value by addressing the questions & be genuinely helpful

One thing you need to be very particular about while answering questions on Quora is that you should be solving the user’s problem in some way or the other. This is the only way that you will be able to catch the reader’s interest, even if for a second.

There is no point answering for the sake of answering. It’s important to provide authentic, meaningful answers addressing the question to establish yourself as the genuine domain expert.

Needless to say, the questioner is looking for solutions to his or her problems and is least interested in your brand/product/service at this point in time. Therefore, do not try to go off on an advertising and self-branding spree straight off, and disappoint the reader at the onset. Instead, through your answer, convince the readers that it is you, and only you who can solve their problems.

  1. Build trust for your brand on Quora

As important as it is to address the user’s query, it is equally important not to forget the very purpose for which you are doing the whole exercise! You need to introduce your brand to the prospective customer in your answers on Quora, but you need to do it in a subtle way aligning it with the interests of the user.

Instead of giving vivid details of your product or brand, you should include backlinks to your website or landing page tactfully. There are high chances that the reader will click on the link if they find real value in your answers. Then, you can easily take it forward from there and convert them into quality leads for your business.

  1. Create the content on your website around questions on Quora 

Once your target audience is identified as per step1, you can create content on your website for the questions asked by them on Quora. It’s a great idea to repurpose those questions into relevant blog topics on your website.

Considering people are already asking those questions, you can smartly answer them by way of sharing your blog links. This way you can attract a lot of people on your website.

  1. Be consistent 

As it is the case with any social media, consistency is the key to the success of Quora marketing as well.

Just as you gather likes and shares on Facebook, or followers and retweets on Twitter, you need to establish yourself as an authority on Quora as well. This can only be achieved when you write answers to the questions on Quora regularly and also make periodic updates to your answers posted earlier if required.

Quora has an algorithm that rewards you for posting regular answers, and even marks you as a top writer in a particular niche for posting consistent and knowledgeable answers in that niche.

After all, the essence of marketing on Quora lies in being an authority in whatever content you are generating. 

  1. Track analytics to know market intelligence

The other important aspect of marketing on Quora is the effective use of the analytical tools offered by the platform.

Quora has a very well-conceived approach when it comes to analytics. It tells you how many views you have got on your answers, the number of people who have followed you, the number of up-votes as well as down-votes on your responses, so on and so forth.

But these numbers carry zero significance if you do not read them properly and draw meaningful conclusions from them. 

Therefore, keep checking the Quora analytics for your answers regularly and take measures to be more productive and efficient based on these. 

  1. Create a compelling profile

All said and done, now let’s come to the final question. If you are a newbie in the world of digital marketing or are a novice in using Quora for marketing purposes, then from where should you start?

How do you start posting answers on Quora? Should you create a company account on Quora, or post from an individual account?

The answer is you need not create a company account. A company account gives the impression of marketing or advertising to the readers and drives them away. Instead, keep it personal and genuine. 

Try to include some noteworthy accomplishments, if any in your domain and add it in your profile description. Don’t forget to upload a professional profile image, which indicates you are approachable. Keep optimizing your profile as visitors do check it before engaging with you on Quora.

Final Take Away

With marketing on Quora, you can generate quality leads for your business. Alternatively, there are professional Quora Marketing specialists and companies, who are also Quora influencers, having a stronghold and widespread following on the platform. Hiring them to run your Quora Marketing campaign and write answers for you can be an excellent idea. The starting point of such  influencers is where you are likely to reach after hard work of many months or even years.

Quora marketing is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding digital marketing tools. If used correctly, it can work wonders for your product, service, or brand, and help you reach your business goals.

If you’d like to discuss how Quora can help your business or brand, then please drop us an email or leave your contact details and we will be happy to schedule a free consultation with one of our Quora Marketing Specialists.

Quora Marketing | Next Big Thing for Lead Generation Read More »

What is Video Marketing? | Benefits, Types and Best Practices for a Successful Video Marketing Strategy

Image used with the blog post what is video marketing published on the official Netilly blog

What is Video Marketing? | Benefits, Types and Best Practices for a Successful Video Marketing Strategy

You must have noticed that off-late ‘video’ is taking over all the written content. The possible reason could be that one minute of engaging video is worth 1.8 million words. Hence, the paradigm shift from “Content is the king” to “Video is the master”!

In recent times, video content has been absolutely ruling over social media. As per a Facebook prediction, in five years, Facebook will be all video replacing written content.

Especially if ‘branding’ is one of the key marketing objectives of any company, then it’s digital marketing strategy is incomplete without ‘video marketing.’

Following stats indicates the importance and relevance of video marketing in 2019:

  • By 2020, 82% of all consumer web traffic will be video, and there will be almost a million minutes of video per second crossing the internet, according to Cisco.
  • Consumption of mobile video grows by 100% every year, according to YouTube.
  • Conversion rates can increase by 80% by including videos in landing pages.
  • Product videos help 90% of customers to make buying decisions, and 64% are more likely to buy the product after watching a product video.
  • Currently, video content is being used by 87% of online marketers in their digital marketing strategies.
  • Of all ad spending online, more than 35% is now accounting to Video Ads.
  • Over 500 million hours of video content is viewed on YouTube every day. 

Key takeaway: These video marketing statistics show the current and future significance of marketing through video for your business. So, it is time to start incorporating video content in your marketing strategy so you can keep up to date.

Video Marketing | Definition

The definition of video marketing is very straightforward – promoting a brand, product or service through ‘video’ content.

Additionally, it can serve to promote live-stream events, customer testimonials, how-to tutorials, explainer & entertaining (viral) videos, and the list goes on. A strong video marketing campaign mainly incorporates a mix of all these.

Scope of video marketing is vast, ranging from incorporating sponsored videos in social media feeds to adding videos in email newsletter as well as to embed engaging videos within landing pages or blog posts. This is all video marketing!

Benefits of Video Marketing

Video marketers achieve a 54% increase in brand awareness and get 66% more qualified leads per year. This clearly indicates that video marketing is worth the investment.

Some additional benefits of video marketing are as below:

  • Better connect with your audience – Video helps you to make a good rapport with your audience and build trust, which in turn helps in growing brand awareness and recognition. The idea should be to ensure your brand is associated with positive experiences so that consumers think of your company as a solution to their problem.
  • Better Conversion Rates – 74% of people who watched any product or service explainer video subsequently ended up buying it, according to Wyzowl. Further, according to Google, YouTube ads are generating conversions up to 150% YoY. With such success rates, you should consider running some YouTube ads for your offering. Explainer videos provide value to both existing and potential customers as you can explain a lot about a product or service such as its features, how it can be used, or even how to get in touch with your company for same.
  • Boost Information Retention – If you just hear something, then after three days, you are more likely to retain 10% of that information. However, if you add a visual to what you are hearing, then you may remember almost 65% of that information even after three days as it’s rightly said that vision trumps all other senses.
  • Better ROI – Previously shooting videos and then editing & producing them was an expensive and time-consuming activity, but it’s now much more straightforward and easier than ever before. In fact, 51% of marketing professionals consider video content as the best method worldwide in terms of ROI. Further, the conversion from video content tends to make a beeline on YouTube. However, other social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are also great places for video content.
  • Best SEO Tool – Video can serve as a useful SEO tool by increasing your search engine ranking, CTR (click through rate), and conversions. It can further help in boosting likes, building backlinks, and driving traffic to your site. That’s because search engines love videos. One can reach the intended target audience by using properly tagged videos on YouTube, which is owned by the largest search engine – Google. According to a study by Stone Temple, the top 10 results on Google search result page includes YouTube videos.
  • Boost Engagement – The way a product review or customer testimonial can help build trust in your product, brand or company; they can also increase engagement. When posts on Facebook include videos, it results in better organic engagement. Similarly, the word ‘video’ in an email’s subject line can increase the open email rates by 19%. If people respond to your videos by way of liking, sharing or commenting, that’s a sign that you are on the right track.

Types of Video Marketing

  1. Company Profile or Brand Videos – A company profile or brand video should provide a high-level overview of your products/services. Such videos are usually created as part of a more extensive advertising campaign, highlighting the company mission and vision to increase brand awareness and attract your target audience. It should also showcase to your potential customers and existing clients what your company is all about, and how you go above and beyond to do an excellent job. Further, such company profile or brand videos should be on the homepage of your site and shared on social media platforms.
  2. Explainer Videos – This type of video is generally used by businesses to tell their brands’ story prominently through a short-animated video. Such videos help the audience to understand better how a company’s products and services can solve their problem. Explainer videos can increase retention rates by binding both the audio and visual senses together.
  3.  How-To Videos – 93% of people go to YouTube to learn ‘how-to’ do something, according to Google. According to a study, 86% of viewers on YouTube turn to the platform to learn something new. These how-to or instructional videos can be used to make your audience learn something new or educate them on your industry, business and solutions. Through such videos, you can interact with your audience by requesting feedback and suggestions for future topics. Sales and service teams can use these videos to illustrate a real solution to a problem and eventually it may help increase conversions.
  4. Demo or Product Videos – Such videos showcase how your products work and their tangible benefits. As a thumb rule, a product video should encompass elements such as an engaging dialogue, narration, relatability, and keeping the viewer’s attention. You can take your viewers on a tour of your product or service showcasing how it can be used.
  5. Animated Videos – If one needs to convey a complicated or lengthy message quickly, then animated videos is the best option. Such videos are a great visual way to explain the process of how a product works or demonstrate the series of events for service to occur. Additionally, animated videos can lead to an increase in engagement, traffic, and brand recognition. Hence, such videos are easy to share on social media platforms. Combining elements such as images, music, logos, animation, graphics, etc., you can create content which is visual, short, engaging, and delivers the desired message. Animated videos can bring concepts to life and perform well on relevant blog posts, website pages, or social media channels.
  6.  Customer Testimonial Videos – The purpose of testimonials is to tell your prospects that your product can solve their specific problem by sharing a positive experience of an existing client. You can have on-camera interviews with real, current clients sharing their experience with your company. Such videos convey to your potential clients that your company is professional, reliable, and trustworthy.

Studies show that users spend a significant amount of time watching review videos that share people’s personal and unique experiences with a brand or products or services.

Testimonial videos help to build trust with your target audience and boost engagement through shares, likes, and comments on every possible channel including website, social media, review pages, YouTube, email newsletter, etc.

 Steps & Best Practices to create a Successful Video Marketing Strategy in 2019

Nowadays, shooting a quick live session for social media is much more comfortable than ever. With tools like Animoto and WeVideo, the creation of high-quality video content requires only a few minutes.

Before we talk about the best practices for video marketing, let’s dive into the steps one needs to take to create a successful strategy for video marketing.

Step#1 Identify the goal of your video content

The first and foremost step in building a successful video marketing strategy is to identify your target. Is your video content for branding, to promote a product/service, for lead generation or to announce some important news? Once the goal is defined, then you can choose the content that will be most effective to communicate the message across to your target audience.

Step#2 Identify your target audience

The next step towards a strong foundation of video marketing strategy is to figure out the right audience for your message. If you spend time initially to define your ideal customers and learn about their behaviour, then it will save you time & effort later. Look at your competition and find out whether they have a loyal following. If yes, then how can you establish yourself when communicating with the same pool of audience?

Once you have refined your target audience, figure out where they spend most of their time online so that you run your video content there. For example, if your audience is on YouTube, which is a highly visual platform, then you need to analyze which style of videos works best. In case your audience is on Facebook, then you can use helpful features and creative freedom in your video content.

Step#3 Create your Brand language

Now that you know your goals, target audience, and where to find them; it’s time to create your brand language. No two companies are the same, so you need to set a tone and style of your brand communication to create a unique value proposition (UVP). It is essential to outline a marketing plan to set yourself apart from everyone else while still holding on to your brand identity and values.

Step#4 Create an engaging content & caption for social media

You must have thought this would be the first step, but a lot goes into planning & research before you get to this point. At this stage, one must look to create good quality and engaging video content. Depending on the goals identified in the first step, one can make different types of video content, as discussed earlier. No matter how engaging your video is, a caption on it can break or make a post on social media. Choose a descriptive title for your video posting on Facebook to make it easily searchable as the platform recommends.

Some of the best practices for successful marketing with video content are listed below:
  • Keep your storyline exciting and compelling in your video.
  • Get to the point within the first 5-10 seconds by covering the purpose of the video. Else your video is worth nothing.
  • Include a call to action, just like any other content marketing strategy; video is no different.
  • Optimize your video content by including well-crafted video caption and description. As Google doesn’t understand the visuals, so adding description helps it to understand what your video content is all about and eventually helps in ranking better.
  • Last but not least- share your video content everywhere.
Step#5 Create a plan

The next step is to create a calendar by breaking down your month into various categories. For the execution of the plan, you may go for one branding video every week, a teaser video for specific sales or promotions, one funny video a week from an engagement perspective.

You can include specifics in your plan about what your content will achieve:

  • How and where will the content be delivered and repurposed?
  • How does the content appeal to the target audience & what gaps does this content fill?
  • Where does the content fit into the buyer’s journey?
Step#6 Test, Compare & Run Again

At last, keep track of your reach, clicks and sales for each video content. You can isolate what content does best for you by testing two videos against each other. It can indicate what provides the ROI and best engagement to you. As you create and post more and more videos, you will be able to track the trends and what wins your audience.


With 71% of people watching more video content online than a year ago, companies can no longer ignore video marketing for growing its brand awareness.

Using videos is a surefire way to attract the attention of your audience and communicate information in a new and exciting manner. Besides boosting brand awareness, video marketing plays an essential role in increasing views, conversion rates, engagement, recognition, and recall.

Now is the time to consider making video content a significant part of your digital marketing strategy for 2019.

If you’d like to discuss how Video Marketing can help your business or brand, please drop us an email or leave your contact details and we will be happy to schedule a free consultation with one of our Video Marketing Specialists.

What is Video Marketing? | Benefits, Types and Best Practices for a Successful Video Marketing Strategy Read More »

What is Email Marketing?

The evolution of the internet and email have changed the entire communication ecosystem.

Email is one of the oldest and most commonly used methods of communication over the internet, with 94% of the total internet users having an email account.

Around 90 trillion emails were sent out worldwide in 2010, which translates to 2.8 million emails having been sent every second.

These numbers have been increasing day by day. As per Statista, the number of global email users is expected to grow from 3.7 billion in 2017 to 4.4 billion in 2022, which is half of the world’s population!

Marketers and advertisers, too, have shifted their efforts online with email emerging as one of the fastest, cheapest and easiest ways for them to connect with customers.

Marketing through emails allows one to reach a vast number of internet users, even if they are not active on social media.

In 1978, the first mass email was sent by Gary Thuerk of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) to approximately 400 clients, which resulted in the sale of products worth $13 million.

This brought to light, for the first time, the immense potential of ‘email marketing’ for promoting businesses.

Over the last 42 years, marketing through mass emails has evolved as one of the most cost-effective ways of direct marketing.

The return on investment (ROI) is massive in comparison to other marketing techniques. You can expect $32 back, on an average, for every $1 you spend on email marketing!

But before we talk more about the benefits of email marketing and other essential details, let’s first understand what exactly Email Marketing is?

email infographic | netilly blog

What is Email Marketing?

Email Marketing is a kind of internet marketing where a commercial message is sent to a group of people over email. At its most basic level, the purpose is to promote a business.

Sending emails to existing customers and prospects has become an integral part of the digital marketing strategy of most businesses today.

Effective marketing emails can turn one-time buyers into loyal customers. It can also convert prospects into customers.

85% of U.S. retailers consider email marketing as one of the most preferred marketing tactics!

Email can accommodate a variety of messages and is a highly flexible tool.

Marketers can send targeted messages, which is one of the most significant advantages of email marketing.

However, there are other reasons as well which make ‘email marketing’ relevant for marketers today who are required to do more with less.

Why is email marketing relevant for your business?

  • Broader reach – Looking at current social media footprint (Facebook and Twitter have over 1 billion and 255 million users respectively) one would tend to believe that social media is the most effective way to reach the masses.

The total number of email users worldwide (almost half of the world population) is too humongous and hard to ignore.

So, when it comes to connecting with your customers or prospects, email is undoubtedly the best medium with a broader reach as everyone online has an active email address.

  • Preferred Communication Channel – Social networks such as Facebook or Instagram are used by many people as personal channels to keep up to date with family and friends.

Whereas, email is a much more professional medium for communication.

72% of people prefer to receive promotional messages through email compared to 17% on social media as per a study by Marketing Sherpa.

A bar chart image showing the finding from a survey done on email marketing

  • Drives Conversion – The goal of marketers is to turn potential customers into real buyers. There can’t be a more powerful tool than email when it comes to conversions.

 The average click-through rate (CTR) from a tweet is around 0.5%, whereas the average CTR of an email campaign is about 3%.

This means someone reading your mail is six times more likely to click through to your website compared to looking at a post on Twitter.

As compared to 0.59% visitors from social media and 2.49% of visitors from search engines, around 4.24% of visitors from email marketing make a purchase, according to a survey by Monetate. 

  • Higher ROI – Email allows marketers to be highly targeted by delivering personalized and relevant messages.

Email marketing yields a higher ROI ($38 return on an average spend of $1) in comparison to social networks where you send status updates to every follower regardless of their demographics such as interest or location.

  • Delivers your message – On Facebook if you post an update to 5,000 followers, only about 100 of them will have a chance of seeing it in their newsfeed.

This is because Facebook, to drive brands toward their paid ad campaign option, limits the number of times your posts appear in the newsfeed.

So, a marketer always chooses to add a new subscriber to his/her email list over a new Facebook follower.

90% of email gets delivered to the intended recipients in comparison to 2% of Facebook followers viewing posts in the newsfeed for the reason mentioned above.

  • Vast majority seek promotional emails– If anyone provides you with their email address, it is because they want to listen more from you on your brand.

This is different from those who tend to ignore your message if they come across your ad while watching the morning news on TV or on social media and search engines because they did not solicit the information.

38% of consumers would like emails to come more frequently, while 61% enjoy receiving weekly promotional emails.

This aspect of email marketing makes it immensely relevant and successful marketing technique.

Steps and best practices for an Email Marketing Campaign

To set up a successful email campaign, one need to follow simple steps and best practices as mentioned below:

Step#1 Build a solid email list

The first step in starting an email marketing campaign is to gather a comprehensive list of email addresses. 

Email lists can be built in innumerable ways. An excellent way to start is to include an email registration form within your website.

However, before anyone provides their email address, they will consider few things such as will you spam them, will you send some discount vouchers, or will you sell their email address or make it public?

It is essential that you make it clear in some way to your potential subscribers that you will not spam them and instead they will benefit from subscribing to your email list.

You can also gather email addresses on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Best Practice#1: Do not spam

Many countries have strict laws, including CAM-SPAM Act, against sending spam emails. Anyone sending unsolicited emails can face significant fines.

Hence, it is crucial to send emails to only those who are willing to receive them.

Make your subscription process attractive by offering incentives like one-time coupons for customers signing up for email updates. This may enhance your subscription rates.

 Step#2 Plan your email marketing content

After building a solid email list, the next step is planning your email content.

A great way is to analyze the emails of competing businesses.

With endless options to customize and format your email, you can include a vast range of quality content in your emails.

You can send an email with information about your sales or promotions, loyalty rewards, newsletters, links to new articles on your website, announcements about new product or service, and customer testimonials.

The list is not restricted to what is mentioned above.

A study indicates that an email campaign which includes video content results in a rise of 40% in revenues.

However, be cautious about the email size while including infographics and video content in your email campaign.

Best Practice#2: Do not make all your emails about selling products

Ensure your emails should include relevant and valuable information such as FAQs and surveys which your subscriber may be interested in reading.

Step#3 Create a mobile-friendly layout

Crafting your emails to be attractive with a catchy subject line is very important for any email campaign.

The content, including the images, should consider the demographic that is being targeted.

If the email is boring or irrelevant, readers are likely to delete it before reading it too far.

With a deep penetration of smartphones, half of all emails are opened on mobile devices. So making your emails mobile-friendly is very important.

Best Practice#3: Your emails should match your brand

Make sure all your emails should match the style of your overall brand, including your website, social media accounts, and ads.

Step#4 Track & evaluate the campaign

It is essential to track the success of your email campaign.

There are various matrices in place to determine how well your campaign is doing.

Marketers can make changes, if required, in the ad design, the deals being offered, and the products or services being included in the campaign.

 Email is a highly flexible tool that allows making changes easily and quickly.

Best Practice#4: Send out emails at the optimal time

Subscribers are most likely to open their emails at a free time, so it’s better to send out emails at the optimal time.

Most email marketing tools will help you figure out the ideal time to send out emails.

What is a lead magnet?

Have you seen websites offering you free e-books or guides or any other thing of value by asking your information in return like email or phone number, etc.?

This is what you call a lead magnet.

A lead magnet is anything that you provide to your customers or potential customers and ask for their information such as email or name, phone number, etc.

The purpose of a lead magnet is to get email ids (or any other information) to make your email list.

When you have a good number of people in your email list, only then you can do email marketing and reach the customer directly.

While building a lead magnet, keep these things in mind:

  1. The thing which you are offering must be something of value to the user. The user will only be attracted if you provide something that is not commonly available elsewhere.
  2. It should serve as solutions for some problems of your user or teach them something very useful. If the audience gets to know solutions to their problems, it will help you build trust among them.
  3. While offering, be relevant to your domain and don’t offer anything which does not relate to your niche.


Some examples of a lead magnet are:


Quizzes are a fun way to work as a lead magnet. You can take a short quiz with your audience and ask for their subscription or email id for the results.It has good engagement and works as a good lead magnet.


Videos can also work as a lead magnet. You can put some useful videos on your website and give access to watch it only after submitting the email.

3.E-books or guides

E-books and guides are the most used techniques to gather emails. You can offer useful e-books and long guides to people in exchange for their emails to download.


Templates are an easy way to enter data in the desired format. While it is not always easy to find free templates.

Templates can also be used to work as a lead magnet.

For example, Templates like resume template, marketing proposal, website, etc.


Webinars are gaining good attention from people as they are knowledgeable and easily accessible. However, it is essential to market your webinar to gain good results and for a successful lead magnet.

lead magnet | netilly blog

What are the tools for Email Marketing?

Below are some of the top email marketing tools that offer a range of features to engage prospects and increase sales.

  • Mail Chimp
  • Litmus
  • Reach Mail
  • Target Hero
  • Mad Mimi
  • Active Campaign
  • SendinBlue
  • Hubspot
  • GetResponse
  • Mail Jet


As most marketers focus on nurturing leads and driving conversions, email marketing has become one of the preferred digital marketing techniques for them to leverage.

Email Marketing has changed the way businesses reach out to potential customers.

The only potential drawback with Email Marketing is that it can be time-consuming.

Hence, one might want to consider hiring a professional digital marketing company like Netilly to take care of all email marketing needs!

If you’d like to discuss how Email Marketing can help your business or brand, please drop us an email or leave your contact details and we will be happy to schedule a free consultation with one of our Email Marketing Specialists.

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What is Affiliate Marketing?

Image used for blog post on What is Affiliate Marketing posted on the official Netilly blog

Would you agree that one thing that most people desire in life is a way to generate passive income? This means being able to make money anytime, from anywhere, and even while one is asleep.

In recent times, one of the most popular ways to generate passive income is Affiliate Marketing!

Let’s understand the concept of affiliate marketing which has turned many ordinary people into millionaires and billionaires.

Image showing a person sleeping on sofa while passive income is being generated for him.

What is Affiliate Marketing & how it works?

Affiliate Marketing is a type of performance-based marketing where one as an ‘affiliate marketer’ (also referred to as ‘Affiliate’) promotes someone else’s products or services.  

In return, the affiliate receives a commission when people buy those products/services through his/her referral.

The sales are tracked via affiliate links posted in website or blogs or products/services landing pages created by the affiliate.

Looking at below recent statistics, one wouldn’t be surprised why affiliate marketing is currently considered as a popular sales strategy to generate significant online revenues:

  • Commissions paid out to Affiliate Marketers is increasing by 10.1% annually in the US alone, and it is projected to hit the $6.8 billion mark by 2020.
  • 15-30% of all sales for advertisers is generated by affiliate programs which are at par with SEP and PPC marketing. (Source: Authority Hacker)
  • 81% of brands and 84% of publishers are already leveraging the power of affiliate marketing.
  • Affiliate Marketing accounts for 15% of the today digital media advertising. (Source: Business Insider)
  • 35% of the affiliates earn over $20000 every year, out of this 12% make over $75000 as an affiliate income. (Source: Ink Well Editorial)
  • Awin, the global affiliate network, distributed around $734 million among more than 100,000 contributors in 2018.

Image showing a loud speaker speaking dollars to depict the potential to generate income with affiliate marketing

Let’s understand how affiliate marketing works in 5 simple steps:

  1. You pick a ‘niche’ for the product(s) or service(s) to promote (we will talk about it shortly).
  2. You join the best ‘affiliate program’ for the selected niche (you will get a unique affiliate link including unique affiliate ID).
  3. You join the best ‘affiliate networks’ for the selected affiliate program(s).
  4. You share the affiliate link via various channels such as Social media, Blog, Website or Landing Page, YouTube videos, Facebook ads or any other form.
  5. When someone makes a purchase via your affiliate links, you earn a handsome affiliate commission.

Deciding the most profitable ‘Affiliate Niche.’

A product or service that you can promote based on your field of business is precisely an affiliate niche. For example, if your business revolves around the fashion world, then ideally, your affiliate niche would focus on fashion-related products, such as clothing, sunglasses, etc.

But what if you haven’t started a business yet? What if you are still in the process of researching and deciding which affiliate marketing business to begin with?

In the above scenario, your best option would be to either follow your passion or to simply figure out what people want and what kind of products/services they are looking for?

Market research plays a crucial role in identifying the product or service which people demand the most.

Affiliates are most successful when the products or services they promote match the interests of their followers and subscribers.

Also, many successful affiliate marketers advise recommending and promoting only products or services that the affiliate is personally familiar with.

That’s because familiarity with the product, service, or program helps to build trust between the affiliate and end-user.

Also, some affiliate marketers sell both low and high price products to reach the full spectrum of users.

Sometimes we tend to overlook high price products assuming they would be harder to promote.

If you are looking to generate revenues of $2000, then which would be easier to sell out of 3 cases listed below?

  1. Selling 200 products of $10
  2. Selling 20 products of $100
  3. Selling 2 products of $1000

Most of you would probably choose option #3 as only 2 products need to be sold to generate revenues of $2000.

Ultimately if you genuinely believe in the chosen product and know that it is a value for money and quality product then go for the high-value product.

Based on intensive research, we have identified 10 most popular and profitable niches among successful affiliate marketer as below (the list is no particular order):

  • Health & Wellness (30-40% commission)
  • Fashion (15% commission)
  • Beauty (15% commission)
  • Hobbies (10% commission)
  • Online Courses (10-30% commission)
  • Books (10% commission)
  • Medical equipment & medical support (10% commission)
  • Pets (10-30% commission)
  • Fitness (15-30% commission)
  • Dating & Relationship (Up to 75% on initial orders)

Depending on which category you are passionate about or have expertise in – you should go with your own personal choice.

However, when it comes to choosing the most profitable niches for affiliate marketing, then we highly recommend exploring the above listed 10 niches.

Factors to consider while choosing the best ‘Affiliate Programs’ for your niche

Once you have zeroed down the affiliate niche, the next step is to research for the most profitable affiliate program for that niche.

Affiliate Programs, also known as associate programs, are arrangements where an online merchant or advertiser who is selling products pays an affiliate website a commission for any sales generated from their referral traffic.

As per the commission structure of the merchant’s affiliate program, an agreement between an affiliate and a merchant is set whether it will be Pay-Per-Click (PPC), Pay-Per-Sale (PPS), or Pay-Per-Lead (PPL).

There are numerous programs for each niche in the market, so you need to do thorough research for the most profitable & viable affiliate program for your selected niche.

Some of the key factors to consider for the high paying affiliate programs are as below:

  • Commission Rate – The % from the sale proceeds that are paid by an advertiser to an affiliate for referring a new customer to them.
  • Average Order Value (AOV) – It is the average dollar amount spent when a customer completes an order. AOV can be calculated by merely dividing total revenue by the number of purchases.
  • Earnings Per Click (EPC) – It is the revenue an affiliate earns for each click to an advertiser’s website through an affiliate link.
  • Cookie Duration – A cookie is a value stored in the end user’s computer to track affiliate sales. The duration is the time length for which the cookie stays on the user’s system after clicking an affiliate link.

As an example, with a 15-day cookie duration, if a user clicks an affiliate link and makes a purchase within 15 days, the affiliate receives credit for the sale. Typically, 30 days is standard cookie duration.

One should focus on high commission rates, high AOV, potential EPC, and long cookie durations.

 Join an ‘Affiliate Network’

An Affiliate Network acts as an intermediary between merchants, affiliate programs and affiliates (publishers). Joining an affiliate network benefits both merchants and affiliates.

Affiliate networks allow publishers the ability to search through various merchant affiliate programs and join them in one place.

Furthermore, they allow merchants to reach a larger audience and promote their business to all the affiliates in the network.

Image showing the names and logos of different affiliate networks

Again, there are vital factors to consider while selecting among the best affiliate networks:

  • Make sure the affiliate network has a lot of merchants in your chosen niche.
  • Try to join the one which is 100% free as almost all affiliate networks are free to join.
  • Go for the one which has high levels of customer support.
  • Make sure you join an affiliate network with high paying merchants to earn high commissions from your sales.

Basis of our research, some of the best Affiliate Networks in 2019 are as below:

Affiliate Marketing Channels

To get traffic for the products or services you are trying to promote, the following marketing channels can be leveraged:

Create great content

Create engaging content and follow best practices of content marketing. Your post should provide a comprehensive review that compellingly promotes the product or service and drives traffic back to the seller’s site.

Use effective SEO techniques

Practice best SEO strategies and drive quality traffic from search engines just like we do for any blog post.

Use Paid Campaigns

Apart from gaining organic (free) traffic via SEO and social media networks, you can also get paid traffic via paid ad campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Google Ads, and other ad networks.

Email List

Having a list of email subscribers within your niche can help you drive more conversions. Ideas like creating a giveaway such as a free e-book or some relevant free tip in exchange for their email works well.

Your audience will be more inclined to buy from your suggestions once you’ve built up trust with them to keep the money rolling in from affiliate sales.

Leverage the Power of Niche Influencers

Influencer marketing is getting popular in recent years. These days many brands choose to work with many social influencers and bloggers in their niches.

Influencers have more honest relationships with their followers. They can effectively get their audience to trust your brand and convince them to use your products or services.

They may not send vast amounts of traffic to advertisers, but the audience they do send is targeted, credible, and has higher conversion rates.

Optimize Your Product Pages for Conversions

Optimized product pages can boost your affiliate marketing strategies and help you retain customers.

You need to ensure simple things like your site loads fast, the display is impressive with high-quality product photos, engaging product description with enough information to help your customers buy the product they want.

Lastly, you should clearly feature customer reviews to build trust.

Benefits of becoming an affiliate marketer

  1. Work from any part of the world

You do not need to travel for work or anything. There is no expense for any travelling.

  1. No investment

When starting a business, there is usually a need to invest. But in this, you do not have to make any investments and is risk free.

  1. Work without employees

You do not need to hire any employees to do your business; you can earn while doing affiliate marketing yourself only.

  1. Reach a wide range of customers

Reach a wide range of customers through affiliate marketing, no matter where they may be located. Affiliate marketing offers a wide range of spectrum to reach the audience.

How to become a successful affiliate marketer?

  1. Stay Consistent

It is essential to be consistent when you are doing affiliate marketing. To become successful, you should keep the efforts up and not do it for the sake of it. Only consistent efforts will help you to reach the top.

  1. Make a good name in your niche

When you build a good reputation in your niche, people will trust you more and will be more willing to buy from your website.

Make a name for yourself by promoting your website and reaching more people. The more traffic you will have, the more successful you will be.

  1. Learn about the products you are selling

It is essential to know about the products you are selling. When you know about every product which is there on your website, it will help you to offer better to the customers.

People like to buy from a site which has excellent products. Keep updating the products and replace with the best ones.


affiliate marketing


Final Thoughts

Affiliate marketing is an ideal solution if you don’t want to be in the 9-5 corporate rut and looking to gain control of your own income from the comfort of your home.

And that too without worrying about producing your own product or service.

There are many success stories of affiliates becoming millionaires. Jason Stone, the much talked about successful affiliate marketer also known as Millionaire Mentor, made $7 million in retail sales in 2018. He is also an Instagram influencer having 3.3 million followers.

However, you need to realize that it can’t happen overnight. You need to choose the right niche, best affiliate programs & networks, channels, and affiliate marketing strategies to boost conversions.

You’ll be able to engage your audience, convert passive readers into active consumers, and enhance your paycheck one click at a time following the tips included in this article.

Have you ever used affiliate marketing for your business? Which strategy do you find to be the most effective? Please share with us in the comments below.

If you are keen to get into affiliate marketing and looking for advice and guidance, our experts can help you get started. Do leave us a message on the contact page and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

What is Affiliate Marketing? Read More »

What is Pay Per Click Advertising?

Image used for blog post on pay per click published by Netilly on its official blog

Pay Per Click (PPC) is a form of online marketing where advertisers are required to pay a fee only when their ad is clicked by an online user.

The intent behind PPC is to buy traffic for a site rather than earning those visits for free.

You must have noticed an ‘Ad’ icon pre-fixed to the top search results while searching in Google or Bing. Such links are search engine advertisements which happen to be one of the most successful implementations of PPC.

Pay Per Click allows marketers to bid, on a specific keyword that is related to their business offering, for ad placement in a search engine’s sponsored links.

So, when someone searches on that keyword, the search engine software will display those paid ads mostly at the top of the search engine results page (SERP).

Let’s take an example of Bajaj Allianz (an insurance company) which has bid on the keyword “Life Insurance,” their ad might rank at the top on the Google search engine result pages.

Whenever a user clicks on their ad and lands on their website, Bajaj Allianz must pay a fee to the search engine.

Usually, this fee is small provided the ad is set up correctly and results in a sale.

For example, if an advertiser pays $2 per click and the click results in a $100 sale, then it’s a good deal for the advertiser.

PPC Statistics

Let us have a quick look at some latest PPC statistics:

  • 65% of all clicks on paid ads are made by users who intend to make a purchase. (Wordstream)
  • According to a survey conducted by Clutch, a research agency, 75% of respondents said that paid ads make it easier to find the information they are looking for on a search engine.
  • 49% of people click on text ads; 16% on video ads, and 31% on shopping ads (Search Engine Land)
  • PPC visitors are 50% more likely to make a purchase than organic search visitors. (Unbounce)
  • More than 40% of clicks go to the top 3 paid ads in search engine results. (Wordstream)
  • Google AdWords, Facebook, and mobile are the most popular PPC platforms, and up to 80% of the marketing budget is likely to be allocated to paid ad (search, social, display, remarketing ads) budget. (Social Media Today)

Why the shift from traditional advertising to the digital one (PPC Advertising) makes sense?

With traditional offline advertising, if you have ever published an ad in a newspaper or magazine, you probably realize that it is far too complicated to measure how many people flipped to that specific page and paid attention to your ad.

Further, there is no way to ascertain if that ad was responsible for any sales at all.

But with digital or online marketing, one can expect accurate results in real-time and also measure the ROI of the marketing efforts.

There are many tools available such as Google Analytics which can record the exact number of people who have viewed your website, how many pages they visited and which location are they from, in real time.

With digital advertising techniques like Pay Per Click, the fee that advertisers pay is irrespective of how many times the ad was displayed on the search engine result page.

So, PPC is less expensive than traditional advertising where one must pay for each advertisement placed in a newspaper or telecast on television.

Paid ad clicks at least make the visitors aware of the product or service offered though they may not necessarily result in sale conversions.

In fact, PPC advertising filters irrelevant traffic and ensures that only quality traffic is attracted who are more likely to convert.

Most importantly, PPC provides options to advertisers to target a specific segment based on demographics like location, age, gender, interests, and behaviours.

In a nutshell, Pay Per Click advertising is highly targeted, cost-effective, measurable, and yields good ROI. All one needs to do is to use the right tools, the appropriate resources and have a focused approach.

PPC Advertising Platforms

Google Ads

Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, is by far the most popular and successful PPC platform.

Whenever a user searches for anything, Google selects a set of bidding advertisers from a pool of users who have bid on keywords.

A combination of various factors such as relevancy and quality of keywords and ad text are considered for selecting the winning advertisers.

Once the winning advertisers are selected, then Google displays their ads on its search results page.

Google is one of the most popular search engines and gets huge traffic. Hence running a PPC Ad campaign through Google Ads is a useful way of diverting traffic on a site via clicks on the displayed ads.

Across various business domains, the average CTR (click-through-rate) is 3.17% for Google Ads search and for display, the number is lower averaging around 0.46%. Both of these averages are higher in comparison to what they were a couple of years ago.

Depending upon which keywords and match types the advertisers select, the frequency to display their ads on the search results page is decided.

Further, it also impacts the cost-effectiveness of the paid ad campaign.

For a successful Pay Per Click advertising campaign, there are several factors involved, but one can achieve a lot by focusing on the below factors:

  • Keyword research: Finding the right and relevant keywords for your specific product or service, forming a tight ad set and creating a compelling ad copy.
  • Quality Score:  Google’s rating for your keywords and landing pages depending upon how relevant they are for a paid ad campaign. One can get more ad clicks at a lesser cost when the quality score is better.
  • Optimized Landing Page: It helps to have a well-designed landing page with relevant and compelling content along with a clear call to action.
 Bing Ads

Like Google Ads, Bing Ads is a Pay Per Click platform displaying ads on the Bing and Yahoo networks. The platform utilizes search partners including Yahoo and Microsoft Sites whose searches are powered by Bing.

Bing Ads too follows a keyword-based advertising model. Bing Ads has over 137 million monthly unique desktop searchers on the Bing Network in the US alone. 

Social Media Paid Campaigns

Social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn have also adopted Pay Per Click as one of their advertising models.

To run a Facebook campaign, one need to set up the below three parts:

  • Campaign Objective for each of your ad campaign
  • Creative for the ad account
  • Schedule, audience, placement, budget etc. within the ad set

Having a clear understanding of how each of these parts work together is necessary to get the desired results by reaching the intended target audience.

Example of a Facebook Ad Campaign Creation


PPC Keyword Research

The process of optimizing a site for the specific words, which people generally type in the search box of a search engine, is called keyword research.

The entire PPC campaign is usually setup around the right keywords.

Conducting keyword research for PPC is usually a time-consuming activity, but it is an essential component of a successful ad campaign.

It allows advertisers to connect with the right audience by keeping their keyword list relevant and refined.

In fact, one shouldn’t only rely on the keyword research done at the time of setting up the first campaign.

Instead, the advertisers need to keep revisiting the list to include low cost, relevant and long tail keywords that might drive more traffic to their site.

The keyword list for a PPC Campaign should be:

  • Complete– Your keyword research should be comprehensive and should not be restricted only to the most commonly used terms in your business. Preferably you should also include long tail keywords which are less common and more specific. Such keywords are less expensive as they are less competitive.
  • Relevant– You need to think like a customer and bid on keywords which are more relevant to your business offerings. Targeted keywords mostly lead to a higher CTR (click-through-rate) and cost-effective CPC (cost-per-click).
  • Expansive– To continually refine and expand your campaigns, you must continuously grow and improve your keyword list.
Value proposition of PPC Marketing

Pay Per Click marketing is beneficial for all stakeholders – searchers, advertisers as well as the search engines.


Advertisers can reach out to the target audience using PPC marketing. Marketers can make out a user’s intent based on the searched keyword and can offer the product or service that matches the query.

Also, the quality of the traffic generated via paid ad clicks can be measured which is useful information for advertisers.


As per research by search engine land, 75% of people who click on paid ads say, whatever information or product or service they are looking for, they generally find in search ads.

Further, Google has a wonderful process in place which ensures that PPC ads meet the requirement of the searchers.

Search Engines

The search engines fulfil the requirement of both searchers as well as advertisers through PPC Marketing.

They provide relevant information through search results to the searchers looking for specific information.

At the same time, search engines enable advertisers to reach their target audience.

One of the main advantages of Pay Per Click advertising is that Google (and other ad platforms) don’t just prefer the highest bidders for that ad space, they also reward the highest quality ads (ads that are most popular with searchers).

Cost of a paid ad is lower when the ad is better and CTR is higher.

Managing PPC Campaigns – Monitor Regularly & Keep Adjusting

Do not set up your paid ad campaigns and then forget about them – that’s a sure shot way to overpay and underperform.

PPC ad campaigns need to be monitored frequently until you get the desired results. Make the required changes to optimize your campaigns by adding relevant keywords to expand the reach for your business.

Also, add negative keywords to cut down the unrequired cost by not showing your ad for negative keywords.

For example, someone searching for ‘free book on PPC’ is not looking to buy. By adding ‘free’ as a negative keyword, the paid ads will not show when a user types this text in the search.

You can also improve your site CTR and quality score by splitting your ad groups into multiple smaller groups. This helps to create more targeted ad text.

Another important thing that one needs to do is a regular review of the expensive keywords which are not performing well. Just stop using them to cut down the cost.

Further, one can also refine his/her landing page by adding a relevant call to action (CTA) pertaining to the user search query to increase the conversion rates.

However, don’t be in a rush to change your campaign in case your keywords are not frequently searched.

Rather wait for a few weeks before you make any changes to your campaign else you will end up spending more money which is not required.

All campaigns, even a well-designed one, should be reviewed and refined weekly.

If you want to manage within your PPC budget, you must also track ROI in the form of conversions.

 A conversion is not necessarily a sale, but a desired action taken by a visitor to your site.

Example of such activities can be a visitor making a purchase or registering for an event or filling details in a ‘contact us’ form.

There is no point of spending money on PPC advertising if you can’t identify a useful result of a user visit to your site.


Due to ever-increasing competition in the current internet landscape, it becomes challenging for businesses to generate fast results.

PPC turns out to be one of the methods to get results rapidly provided your campaign serves the users searching for your business offerings.

However, a lot of effort goes into setting up a successful PPC advertising campaign.

From exploring and choosing the right keywords to formulating those keywords into organized ad groups and campaigns, to setting up landing pages that are optimized for conversions.

Search engines charge less for ad clicks which comes from an ad which is relevant and well targeted. 

So, to start leveraging Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising, it’s essential to learn how to do it right. The other option is to hire professional PPC experts (like Netilly) to help you out.

If you’d like to discuss how PPC can help your business or brand, then please drop us an email or leave your contact details and we will be happy to schedule a free consultation with one of our PPC experts.

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What is Digital Marketing?

Image used for a blog post on "What is Digital" published on the Netilly official blog

Digital Marketing! Another buzzword which you must have come across in the current high-tech internet-connected era.

The global spend on digital marketing is reported to have crossed the $100 Billion mark in 2018. In the US and UK, the industry is growing at a whopping 44%.

One of the most significant events that has affected ‘marketing over the last three decades is the mass adoption of the internet into everyday life.

Today 40% of the world’s population has access to the internet. It was less than 1% in 1995.

Currently, there are an estimated 4.1 Billion internet users in the world.

With 26% of U.S. adults staying ‘almost constantly’ online and an overall 77% of Americans going online daily, the way people shop has changed the way companies market their products and services.

Every company in today’s time needs to market its products, services or brands ‘online’ if they must survive.

This is digital marketing at a fundamental level!

In case you are looking for a more formal definition here it is:

Digital Marketing, also known as ‘online marketing,’ is basically promoting products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media. It’s a way to connect with and influence your potential customers ‘online’.

Digital marketing, using multiple channels and methods, enables organizations to analyze marketing campaigns and understand what is working for them and what’s not in real-time.

In this blog let’s explore three key W’s of Digital Marketing!

Why is Digital Marketing essential for your business?

As per Salesforce, 75% of the total marketing budget is expected to go to Digital Marketing!

Let’s look at some interesting facts to understand why digital marketing is currently an essential investment that businesses must make:

  • 72% of marketers believe that the traditional way of marketing is no longer enough and digital marketing will increase their company sales & revenue by 30%.
  • 83% of businesses think their efforts through digital marketing channels are useful in helping them accomplish their goal.
  • According to asurveyof more than 500 digital marketers, most businesses rely on a variety of digital marketing channels to drive sales and revenue.
  • There will be more than 2 billion online shoppers around the world by 2020, so it’s essential for businesses to have an online presence.

Digital marketing is an easy way for companies to tell their brand’s story and bring them to life on a digital platform.

A firm can engage with its audience effectively with the ability to narrate their brand story on digital media channels such as social media platforms, a website, or through email.

What is Digital Marketing| Netilly blog

What benefits does Digital Marketing bring in?

People often think that the main advantage of digital marketing is that a target audience can be reached cost-effectively.

But is it enough?

Not really, until one can measure the marketing efforts real-time.

With the traditional offline marketing, it is not easy to measure how many people reach the specific page of a newspaper where your ad is published.

Further, it is way complicated to know how many readers paid attention to your ad and if that ad was responsible for any sales conversions.

But with digital marketing, one can see accurate results in real-time and can also measure the ROI of any of your marketing efforts.

There are many tools available such as Google Analytics which can tell the exact number of people who have viewed your website, how many pages they visited and which location are they from, in real time.

One can even identify patterns and trends in a user’s behavior before he/she reaches the final stage of buying.

 It means a business owner can make more informed decisions about how to attract them to his/her website right at the top of the marketing funnel.

Further, right tools and an effective strategy for digital marketing allows one to track all sales back to a buyer’s first interaction with his/her business.

Which Digital Marketing channels are most commonly used?

The approach to Digital marketing largely depends upon the type of audience interactions.

Further, businesses usually invest in a combination of Digital Marketing channels.

Let’s briefly touch base the most popular digital marketing channels:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engines are responsible for driving 93% of all website traffic. 

SEO is a technique of optimizing your website to “rank” higher in search engine results pages.

It is the most effective method to generate organic (free) traffic to your landing page.

Examples of SEO Tools: Google Keyword Planner, SEM Rush, Long Tail Pro

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

 PPC is another technique to drive traffic to a website.

The advertiser needs to pay a publisher every time his/her ad is clicked.

While SEO takes 3-6 months to generate results, PPC leverages the paid ad campaigns to drive inorganic traffic to your website.

Examples of PPC Tools: Google AdWords, SpyFu, Ahrefs, SEM Rush

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

 SMM is one of the highest used (81%) digital marketing channel.

Social media marketing enhances a firm’s brand awareness by promoting its brand and content on social media platforms.

It also drives traffic and generates leads for a business. The channels you can use in SMM are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, and Google+.

Examples of SMM Tools: Buffer, Sprout Special, HootSuite

Content Marketing (CM)

 Great content is the fuel that drives a business’s digital marketing function. 

Content Marketing is basically the creation and promotion of content to generate brand awareness, drive traffic, lead generation, and convert leads into sales.

Examples of CM Tools: BuzzSumo, Kred

Email Marketing

 Email has been around for more than two decades, and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

It’s still the most direct and quickest way to reach customers with critical information. People are very attached to their emails!

Examples of emails you might send in an email marketing campaign include:

  • Newsletters for a blog subscription.
  • Follow-up emails to visitors who took any kind of action on a website.
  • Welcome emails for new customers.

Affiliate Marketing

 This is a kind of performance-based marketing which allows one to promote someone else’s products or services on his/her website and receive a commission.

Examples of Affiliate marketing channels:

  • Via your social media accounts, posting affiliate links.
  • Via the YouTube Partner Program, hosting video ads.

Many companies are offering digital marketing courses for learning these tools efficiently.

Native Ads

Native Ads are the ads that appear to be of the same form and function as the platform on which they are viewed.

They are very beneficial as they blend with the content and the design of the page, and users are more likely to click on them.

Most people try to avoid ads; therefore, native ads come handy as people may click on them, thinking it to be editorial content.

Marketing Automation

Technology has automated almost everything, even marketing.

Marketing Automation is the next thing to look out for.

Marketing Automation is about implementing digital strategy automatically with technology rather than doing it manually.

Be it posting on social media, sending messages, or replying to your customers.

You can even send emails and set up campaigns automatically. It is a good way to save time and use a resource for business growth.

Does Digital Marketing work for all businesses?

Many people wonder whether digital marketing is needed for their business or not.

As mentioned above in the blog, the mass adoption of the internet has been the most significant shift in marketing.

With this shift, it has become essential for any brand to reach their customers online.

Digital Marketing has various channels, and it is not necessary that a company needs all the channels. But suiting to the needs of the company, every company should invest in digital marketing to grow their business.


To sum up, digital marketing is about accomplishing marketing objectives through digital channels and technology.

Further, joining the dots between sales and marketing is essential.

As per a market study, companies can achieve a 20% annual growth rate, if their sales and marketing functions are aligned, compared to a 4% decline in revenue for companies with poor alignment.

If a business can improve its customer’s journey throughout the purchasing cycle by using digital marketing, then it’s likely to reflect positively on the bottom line.

If you are looking to grow your brand or business through digital marketing, drop us an email or leave your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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What is Social Media Marketing (SMM)?

image for blog social media marketing

A decade back, nobody could have imagined that communicating with people anywhere across the globe would become so fast.

Today not only can one connect within a fraction of seconds but also share pictures, videos, and documents over the internet so easily and instantly!

Sharing live updates, stories, experiences, or moments through social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are an “in” thing.

In fact, social media has become an essential part of people’s everyday lives. From teenaged youngsters to septuagenarians, everyone alike is hooked onto the social media apps on their mobile handsets.

With an estimated 4.1 Billion internet users and nearly 3.1 Billion social media users, the landscape for today’s diverse social media has drastically changed.

According to a survey done by ‘The Manifest’ of more than 600 social media users, people regularly access a variety of social media channels via a mobile app or computer web browser.

Further, an interesting but scary revelation from the report is that the average person will spend nearly five years, four months of his or her life on social media.

Image showing a pie chart with distribution of time a person spends on various social media platforms
Image Source:

Time Spent on Social Media = 5 Years, 4 Months in a Lifetime

86% of people use social media at least once daily out of which 72% use it multiple times every day.

These numbers are bound to grow, as most people are becoming increasingly dependent on their social networks for advice.

People use social media platforms to reach out to their friends, relatives, or colleagues for things like medical advice and travel recommendations.

Facebook is literally a country by itself, with over 62% of North Americans using it. And that’s just one of the many social media platforms.

With so many people on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., these channels have become revenue generating customer-bases for businesses across the globe. How? Simply through something called ‘Social Media Marketing.’

Social media marketing (SMM) is the use of social media websites to market a company’s products and services and generate organic (free) traffic to their sites.

This helps in optimizing the website’s position on search engines, i.e. it will be seen in the first few results as anyways 90% of users browsing the internet to search something do not usually look any further than the first page of the search engine.

Many businesses also promote their products or services directly on social media platforms.

SMM provides businesses with an effective way to reach new prospects, engage with existing customers and promote their brand, mission or tone.

Creative and engaging marketing on social media can bring phenomenal success to businesses by creating brand visibility and even driving leads and sales.

In fact, SMM has become an integral part of the digital marketing strategy of most small and big businesses as well as professionals and freelancers.

How does SMM work?

SMM experts use social media ad campaigns and various other strategies to develop messages and ‘sticky’ content and have people engage with it.

Individual users share those posts with their online social community of family, friends, and colleagues resulting in the matter going viral.

This strategy provides several benefits upfront, such as:

  • The content reaches a wider audience that an SMM manager may not have been able to access otherwise.
  • Shared content carries an implicit recommendation when sent by someone whom the recipients know and trust.
  • Cost of SMM is low compared to traditional marketing approaches like advertising.
  • Unlike traditional advertising where the reach and effectiveness can’t be measured, social media platforms provide accurate insights into engagement metrics ( like the number of people reached, number of clicks, the number of views and resulting actions).
  • Sticky content gets a user’s attention and increases the possibility that he or she will conduct a desired action, such as purchase a product or service or else share the content with others on social media platforms. This, in turn, helps in search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Some social media ad campaigns encourage customers to share their feedback, such as product reviews or comments, which is an excellent way to engage directly with the people.

Further, many social networks allow users to provide detailed personal, demographic, and geographical information, which enables marketers to tailor their messages such that it is most likely to resonate with the intended users.

This helps companies ensure that the marketing campaigns are specifically targeted at the right audience.

To be able to measure and quantify results for the money, time, and efforts which have been put in ‘marketing campaigns’ is an essential goal for any business.

Social media platforms have in-built data analytics tools that allow marketers to track how successful their efforts have been. Also, the impact of SMM efforts on the traffic data on a website can be monitored using Google analytics.

Some of the metrics used to measure the success of an SMM campaign include the number of likes on a post, the number of shares and reach (can be monitored using tools like BuzzSumo), the number of click-through rates and views and finally, the sales funnel created through the leads generated.

If we dive deeper into SMM, there are primarily two ways of doing SMM promotions- active and passive.

Active SMM Promotion

If sharing your content on various social media platform is a task in itself, then no one is going to do so. Forget people doing copy and paste links of your content across various social networks.

To encourage social sharing among web users, active SMM promotion is the way forward. Active promotion means adding links such as social media sharing buttons (as below) to the content on your website.

You can add these social media buttons to your blogs or content on the website with simple code that allows users to share your content across the web with just a couple of clicks. In WordPress, these buttons don’t even require any plugins.

Image showing the social media share buttons that enable users to share content on different social media platforms

Social networks which can be used for SMM campaigns are listed below (Most have their own terms of use):

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest
  • Quora

With the above mentioned social media platforms, companies also have the option of launching paid ad campaigns to reach wider target audiences, thus improving traffic on a website or a specific web page.

Passive SMM Promotion

Passive SMM promotion refers to promoting activities on social media platforms by updating statuses, publishing images, videos, tweets, or posting blogs.

Traction through passive promotion is achieved by creating content that works well on the individual platform as each platform is different. On one, blog content may work whereas on another, a video may do better and on another probably, pictures dominate.

Hence every platform requires a different strategy but, in the end, whatever content is posted, must be informative and engaging so that people share it more and more with their online communities.

This kind of promotion also seeks customer’s direct feedback real-time, which can be further analyzed to enhance their brand experience.

Preparing an SMM campaign for your business

Before you start creating SMM campaigns, consider your business’s goals. If you for launching a social media campaign without a proper strategy in mind you’ll possibly get lost as it’s like roaming around a jungle without a map

When defining your social media marketing goals, here are some questions to ask:

  • What are you expecting to achieve through SMM?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What message do you want to pass on to your target audience?
  • Which all social media platforms would your target audience use?

Your SMM strategy should be driven by your business type. For example, a travel business can get a lot of traction from a strong presence on Instagram or YouTube being highly visual platforms.

A business-to-business (B2B) company might find more leverage on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Apart from a right SMM strategy, here are a few quick best practices for your social media marketing campaigns:

  • Create engaging content. Can’t emphasize this enough how important it is for your SMM campaign. Until your content is appealing, it will not fetch you any result. Getting a like on a post is easier than getting a comment, so ask people question in your posts or videos to give you feedback.
  • Share your social media posts multiple times. Once anything is out of sight, it’s out of mind. People need to be reminded continuously about your brand for their subconscious mind to register it. Make sure you post regularly.
  • Create a reliable brand image. Your business brand identity, whether it’s a value system or fun or trustworthiness, should remain consistent irrespective of which social media platform you use as each platform has its own unique style and voice.
  • Do a regular competitive analysis to observe the trends. One can get valuable data for keyword research and other marketing insights by keeping an eye on competitors’ social media posts. Consider using the same technique or social media platform, which seems to be working for your competitors and try to do it better than them.
  • Make your presence felt on social networks. Make sure you participate well on the social web by creating conversations and not just uploading photos on social media. Be known to the social community.


What is Social media marketing? 

It is just use of social media platforms to connect with your audience to build your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic. 

Social media with such extensive use presents an incredible opportunity for marketing. In fact, for a few people, consistent use of social media even opens up career prospects.

Through sharing content n social media with friends, influencer and blogger Christina Vidal made a career out of it. She is a full-time traveler and now has nearly 75.5k followers on her Instagram account. She uses social media multiple times every day.

So it is better to learn social media marketing (SMM) now instead of losing in the long run.

If you find this article and the tips given in this article useful, please share with us in the comments section below.

If you’d like to discuss how SMM can help your business or brand, then please drop us an email or leave your contact details and we will be happy to schedule a free consultation with one of our SMM Specialists.

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