Best Ways to Generate Leads on Twitter

Best ways to generate leads from twitter

Today, most businesses are leveraging social media marketing to reach their target audiences, expand their customer base and maximize profits.

One of the popular social media platforms being leveraged to generate leads is Twitter. It is about 330 million monthly active users, which makes Twitter one of the favourite platforms for marketers. You can generate a significant number of leads on Twitter but only with the right set of hacks.

Today let us discuss some useful Twitter hacks you can use for lead generation:

1.Twitter bio

Your Twitter bio says a lot about who you are. It is your brand introduction to the users of the platform. When writing your bio on Twitter, keep the following points in mind:

twitter bio| netilly blog

  1. Share who you are, what you do and why it is special and unique
  2. Provide your right contact information
  3. Have a call to action
  4. Why they should follow you?

You can also include trending hashtags of your niche to attract more people and always provide the link to the landing page of your website in your bio.

2.Header image

Images always play an important role in marketing. They can change the feel of your page and convey a lot about your brand.Images generally attract more attention than plain text; that is why you can include relevant text in your header images. Include text such as your brand’s tagline or any catchy line about the company. So let your header image do the magic.

twitter bio| netilly blog

You can also put a call to action in your header image. As an example, the below header image has a call to action button for event booking.

twitter header image 2| netilly blog

3.Posting on a scheduled time

It is always better to tweet when the majority of your audience is online as it ensures better reach of your posts and higher chances of engagement and lead generation.

You can find a lot of information on the internet about the most appropriate time for posting on Twitter.

However, you are more likely to figure out the best time for posting for your specific business or brand through trial and error. If one time does not result in much growth, try to research and post at a different time.

4.Write effective tweets

 Twitter is all about intelligent tweets. Tweets can be in the form of only text, images, videos, blog links etc.

If your tweets are not interesting, people will not follow you or engage with you.

So while tweeting, keep the 80/20 rule in mind. This means that your posts should be 80% informative (which can be self-curated content or sharing content of others) and only 20% should be about your promotion.

If you only keep promoting your brand, then people will start running away from your page.

Keep your tweets balanced and share about trending topics to reach more people in your audience. Your tweets should leave an impact and give something of value to the user in the form of education, information, humour, news, facts, motivation, etc. because, in the end, it is all about engaging with your audience.


Twitter has always been known for the use of hashtags. Before selecting hashtags, you can use hashtag analytics tools to research about trending and popular ones.

twitter hashtags| netilly blog

It is important to note that you should only use hashtags which are related to your niche and not use trending ones which are totally unrelated to your domain.

6.Study your competitors

It is always better to stay updated about your competitors. Studying what your competitors are up to is always beneficial when creating a social media campaign.

You can check your competitors by using the search box. For e.g.: if you are a beauty salon, you can type any keyword from your niche like ‘makeup’, so that you can find who your competitors are, and you can study their marketing strategies and create an effective approach.

twitter blog

7.Twitter chats

Twitter  chat is a great way to engage with your audience and expand your customer base. It allows you to hold discussions on various topics where you can showcase your expertise and build more trust among the audience. They are helpful to increase networking and connect to people of your industry.

It helps in increasing your twitter followers  and prospects as it creates brand awareness among your people . You can also check out the world’s largest list of Twitter chats.

Twitter chats are conversations that are created at a particular time for specific hashtag. You can host your own twitter chat also by selecting a relevant topic and predermined time.

If you plan your twitter chats effectively, you can understand your audience even better

8.Twitter ads

Ads are always a great way to reach your potential customers, and today social media ads allow you to choose and customize your audience based on various factors such as demographics, keywords, events, behaviours, interests, follower look-alikes, movies, TV shows and a lot more.

Ads serve a great tool to reach your audience, and the customization, which Twitter Ads offers is excellent for lead generation.

twitter ads| netilly blog

9.Pinning your tweets

pin tweet| netilly blog

 Everybody wants their best content piece to be showcased in front their viewers. You can do so by pinning your tweets.

Pinning your tweets allows your audience to view your best piece of information at the top. Pin the tweet which has a link to your website or any landing page having a higher potential of lead generation.

When you pin a particular tweet, it always remains at the top of all your tweets and that way, you can always direct them to the desired web page.

10.Identify the audience 

This is the most important step that many skip before creating a marketing plan. Social media offers multiple ways to know and find your target audience. Finding your target audience is a very crucial step if you are keen to attract a good number of leads.

Every business is different, and so is its target audience. You can also segment your audience on Twitter in order to create successful marketing campaigns.

Identifying your audience is a prerequisite for any hack you wish to act upon. When you know who you want to reach, your marketing will work more effectively.

11.Engage with leads off Twitter also

This means that you can also engage with your prospective lead on emails or via messages.

While contacting your lead through email or message, keep in mind that you don’t end up nagging them with your messages, rather plan effectively what you want to send and when.

When you engage with your audience directly, it reflects that your brand cares about them and also makes your audience feel more connected with you at a personal level.

12.Landing Page for Twitter users

You may link your Twitter leads to your homepage but it better to direct them towards a different landing page which is only for your Twitter followers where you can ask them to subscribe to you for latest updates.

Collecting email addresses of your leads is  an essential step in your marketing funnel.


Twitter is a very popular social media platform and is an excellent platform to generate leads. The hacks we have discussed today to generate leads on Twitter will help you to optimize your lead generation efforts and also help in expanding your customer base.

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If you’d like to discuss how Twitter can help your business or brand, then please drop us an email or leave your contact details and we will be happy to schedule a free consultation with one of our social media specialists.

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