Top 10 Digital Marketing Books
Digital Marketing is a very vast domain, and it is a dish that contains a lot of ingredients.
To create a successful marketing strategy, it is essential to master the basics of marketing elements. There are many books available to learn various aspects of digital marketing, but it is always best to read the best ones.
Books provide an in-depth understanding of a particular topic and are the best investment to master any subject.
Here we have amalgamated our Top 10 picks for the Best Digital Marketing Books.
Please note that the books are not in a ranking order.
Author: Cory Rabazinsky
This book is a guide that will teach you the basics of Google Adwords and covers topics such as how Google Ads work and various techniques that you can implement.
This book covers topics such as:
- What is Paid Search?
- How to Use Paid Search
- How Paid Search Works
- Your Google AdWords Strategy
- Measuring Your Success
It is best for beginners who want to understand how Google Ads work and how it to use it for their business.
Author:- Joe Pulizzi
This is one of the best available books on content marketing and is a proper guide for anyone who wants to master content marketing.
It emphasizes on how to create content for customers rather than promoting their own company.
This book covers topics such as:
1.Content Marketing—There and Back Again
2.Defining Your Content Niche and Strategy
3.Managing the Content Process
4.Marketing Your Stories
5.Making Content Work
After reading this book, you will be able to understand the fundamentals of content marketing and create an effective content strategy.
Author: Seth Godin
This book is an interesting one that discusses Permission Marketing, which offers the consumers incentives to accept advertising voluntarily. The goal of this book is to teach how to convert strangers into friends and friends into customers.
The book covers a wide range of topics and discusses the role of advertising, permission, and many more. It also contains case studies.
Seth Godin is a renowned Digital Marketer, and this book is one of his best works.
4. SEO 2019: Learn Search Engine Optimization With Smart Internet Marketing Strategies
Author: Adam Clarke
This book is one of the best books for learning Search Engine Optimization, and the best part is that the author keeps updating the book and also adds the latest Google Algorithm change.
SEO is a broad concept, and this book gives the best insights for a good SEO strategy. This is a must-read for anyone who wants to master SEO and understand how it updates with changing Google Algorithms.
5. Social Media Marketing All-In-One for Dummies
Author: Jan Zimmerman and Deborah Ng
Social Media Marketing is one of the most used channels to promote a business nowadays and consists of both organic as well as paid promotion.
This book is the perfect guide to learn Social Media Marketing. It covers various social media platforms and how to advertise on them.
The book covers topics such as Content Marketing, Advertising on Facebook, Twitter, Measuring Success, etc.
It is a complete handbook to learn and grow in Social Media Marketing.
6.Content Chemistry: The Illustrated Handbook for Content Marketing
Author: Andy Crestodina
Content is the ultimate king and to create good quality content and content to connect with the audience is very important.
This book by Andy is the perfect guide for digital marketers to learn and prosper in content marketing. It is a comprehensive guide with well-researched information on Google algorithms and their updates.
This book covers topics such as keyword research, email marketing, social media, strategy, branding, SEO, and much more.
7. “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook”
Author: Gary Vaynerchuk
The title of the book may be extraordinary, but the book is one of the best books on social media marketing and customer relationship.
It discusses how to understand your customers better and do’s and don’ts of social media marketing
After reading this book, you will be able to connect to your customers more and convert traffic to sales.
This book must be a part of the bookshelf of every marketer, and every digital marketer should definitely know these jabs and hooks by Gary.
8.Social Media ROI: Managing and Measuring Social Media Efforts in Your Organization
Author: Olivier Blanchard
Social Media is one of the most popular platforms for marketing and is a part of every marketing strategy nowadays.
This book will guide you on how to strategize and plan day to day social media practices. After reading this book, you will be able to measure your ROI and analyze where your social media efforts are heading.
This book covers strategies such as Aligning social media with business goals, Social media brand management, etc.
Author: Sherri Rose
This book emphasizes Webinars and how to use them to Promote services, generate leads, and reach to customers.
Sherri has described in detail how webinars can be used for promoting business and increase sales.
This is a good book and shows how webinars can be an integral part of Digital marketing.
Author: Ian Brodie,
Email marketing is one of the most popular marketing channels to generate leads and gain prospects. This book is a guide on how to use email marketing to captivate and, most importantly, engage the audience.
In this book, you will find techniques to turn subscribers into customers and various other methods to understand your clients better.
We hope you find this list of best books helpful to understand digital marketing more deeply and useful it in your marketing.
You can buy these books from our shop and let us know which digital marketing books you would recommend to your fellow marketers.